Marines vs army reddit.
I love the morals and honor of the marines.
- Marines vs army reddit Oct 24, 2024 · The Marine Corps is returning to its naval roots, developing new concepts for distributed operations in contested littoral areas. The only difference that really matters is that the one called "The Marines" is about half the size (and shrinking) of the one that is called "The Army". I joined this Reddit page to ask a few questions and advice those already in the army or marines. The Army does offer a much larger variety opportunities and a generally better quality of life. Your still in the field fighting at E-8. The 75th Ranger Regiment is the U. The Marines could do it but it is debatable on how likely they are to succeed. 3 mile run vs 2 miles. Don't waste time in college. Then I talked to my math teacher who was in the Army. Marines can also be stationed on ships. What I’m saying is the Marine bows out early and in the Army If your Infantry at E-7. Same shit, different areas of operation. So why have the latter at all? Is it because marines are trained for landing As far as being a female in the military the USMC will treat you better than the Army (several female friends that joined the Army and Navy and wished they hadn’t). -Marines don't have to maintain vehicles as much as the army does, so if you don't want to pmcs strikers all day go Marines or an Army light unit. In some countries, marines are part of the army. I’m wondering how the role of an Infantry Officer in the Army differs from a Royal Marines Officer? I’ve heard that Royal Marines Officer training is more focused on turning you into a Marine whereas Army Officer training is specifically about turning you into an Officer and a leader. Discipline. which is fine btw. 5 space marines will mow them down with incredible efficiency. I can go to the different recruiters and ask, but their answers are often bias. Hazing (smoking), making people stay until 7 for no reason. First question is does the army have the same camaraderie as the USMC. The military is restricted from performing Law Enforcement due to Posse Comitatus Act, except for the Coast Guard. I find more interest in researching the Army than the Marines. That college experience is where you act like an idiot and hang on to that high school former glory. Each branch can be very different and saying "the military" isn't helpful. The average American believes “Army” is synonymous with “military” and “Marines” are “front line troops. (b) The Marine Corps shall develop, in coordination with the Army and the Air Force, those phases of amphibious operations that pertain to the tactics, technique, and equipment used by landing forces. The Marine Corps is responsible for maintaining an expeditionary force in readiness, which can seize and defend terrestrial and extraterrestrial strategic locales in advance of the main UNSC effort. (Which is a bit contradicting, since I am asking in r/army about army AND Marines, but I find the Army reddit is a bit more civilized. Your rank will carry over. Army and/or Marines aren't always allowing prior service to join. 10/10 in my book Cons: Work life - no one does their job you're always doing other tasks, going to the field for 3 months, or doing a detail that doesn't even slightly involve your mos. Army vs Royal Marines, Advice I want to join the military as an office and have been considering both the army and the Royal Marines I was wondering if anyone could give some extra back ground on how the royal marine office training course works and what it entails. The Marines and Army have different jobs, but both protect the U. Read this thread from few days ago. I wanted something that was going to challenge me further than anything has ever done before. ror this purpose, the Marine Corps organizes, trains, and equips land, airborne, and space combined-arms teams capable of rapid deployment by Air Army/Marines - on base in the States, or abroad (think Europe/Korea for Army and Japan/Australia (new!) for Marines). With the Army, you're stuck in your contract, whether you commissioned or not and stay enlisted for the entire contract. It looks like a huge challenge but it would be amazing to be apart of that brotherhood. Picking between I assume you mean Marine Raiders vs Recon. I was an 0311, and if I could back, there isn’t enough money in the world that would convince me to do anything else. The Army tends to have a unit pride, but the Rangers are something else entirely. The US has the largest marine corps by number of active soldiers. At E-8. We talked and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m going to enlist in the Marines as infantry mos, get some tougher training off the bat compared to Army and then if I’m still set on Army ranger I will move into the Army after my service with the USMC. Space Marines are made up of rag-tag squads of Ultramarines and Imperial Fists. China, for instance, calls its entire military the People's Liberation Army. Then 3 weeks of airborne school. Army boasts about units. There is a 10 year ADSO now after flight school, VS the Marines have an 8 year ADSO. A sub for anyone to ask questions about the military. promotion system - yeah army/marines really did good one this one. Coast Guard - out to sea for a few months, in port for a few months. Army is 22 weeks of infantry OSUT and Marines is 13 weeks of boot camp plus 14 weeks of infantry school. Do you think it’s the corruption that prevents the military from doing more? I'm currently at the point of finally getting back in the military. Marines boast about being Marines. I’m sure u get that with the army infantry but if u are trying to decide between the army and the marines I mean cmon. i’m worried about advice that people have given to me about career prospects after the marines and what i can gain from the marines vs what i can gain from the army. Army infantry isn’t something the average American really thinks about—they’d just say “Marines”. You could do an enlistment in the Corps then go Army. Oh boy. The United States Army's mission is to "deploy, fight, and win our Nation's wars" by providing land dominance across the full spectrum of conflict. Opportunities that interest me: Marine Corps is the toughest branch to join. The Army had more of a presence in the war, as being a larger branch they fought in all 4 Corps of the country, so you could choose any number of the army division that were deployed and see a big variation in the experience. However, these additional duties may not detract from or interfere with the operations for which the Marine Corps is primarily organized. The United States Marine Corps has several divisions' worth of ground troops, mainly light infantry, equipped and trained similarly to the United States Army (although not the same, and they'll never let you forget this), along with their own aviation capability including helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft (including KC-130 transport/refueling I recommend you join the military first if you can. And the liberation of the Philippines was primarily an Army operation, mainly because the Philippines with their large islands were much better suited to the Army than the Marines. May 7, 2024 · The Army likes to sing songs for some reason, and units have their own special songs. They are both SoF elements. u/Schaftenheimen has previously answered Why was the United States Marine Corps such a small military branch before 1941?. I’ve been set on the army rangers for a while but was recently approached by a USMC recruiter. Specify Army, Navy, etc. Army guys shooting up with every weapon system they could regardless of how appropriate it was for the situation. however after 2 combat deployments to somalia and bosnia (yes I'm that old), i can find this img very amusing. Just like once you become a Marine, you are a Marine forever. One slogan that a Marine coined during the span of my research, though, is “once a Marine, always a Marine. Walter Thompson, the Marine Corps’ ad agency. (Bigger then USMC and more funding) If you want to be America’s mostly highly trained infantry officer,be a devil dog, and will most likely get out after you’re first contact, go USMC. Hi everyone, I (19M) am joining the military as soon as I can. true. WTF are you even talking about? A MEU being SOC certified doesn't mean they become a SOF. Every other non combat arms MOS, the Marines just flat out have a higher troop quality. We’re just tougher and everyone wants to go to war here. 383 votes, 314 comments. Ask this exact same question about the US Army and US Marines and you’ll get just as confusing answers. TACP’s are almost always embedded with Army or Marine units (more the Army than Marines, though). Overall about 22 regular Army divisions served in the Pacific. Yeah he’s right. But to get to the rank of Major in the Marine Corps your looking at at least 6-8 years. What made me interested in the marines instead of the army was the difficulty levels. He said the marine corps is for the complete military experience. The marines on the other hand have most of that logistical/support taken care of by the navy (or army). Army recruiting focuses on benefits and career opportunities and a sprinkle of adventure. In the Army, the squad leader position usually goes to an E-6 and team leader E-5. Don't ignore the recruiting methods used by Army v/s Marines. I don’t recommend the other way around, because you’ll most likely lose rank going from Army to USMC AND you’ll have to go through USMC bootcamp where as you don’t have to go to Army boot camp if you had doneUSMC first. Nevertheless, I am unsure about the process of transitioning from the USMC DEP to joining the Army. ASVAB Explained Army and Marine units fought together on Guadalcanal. The US infantry won't pose any threat at all. You're young so if I were you I'd pick army. Army needs to capitalize on the fact that they have a ton of diverse career fields (especially compared to Marines) and that they have the badass aspects 99. -Having a Ranger Regiment is an excellent idea for the big army, and I wish the Marine Corps could somehow find a way to better duplicate the existence and practices of 75thRR for our betterment. Basically, I'm a prior service Marine reservist, a Lance Corporal, and due to some pretty strange circumstances, I have the option to go full “The Few, the Proud” slogan actually came out in the 1970s, coined by J. The United States Marine Corps has several divisions' worth of ground troops, mainly light infantry, equipped and trained similarly to the United States Army (although not the same, and they'll never let you forget this), along with their own aviation capability including helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft (including KC-130 transport/refueling The vast majority of guys I know who went from the Marines to the Army generally like it better. In the Marine Corps, there is a big emphasis on small unit leaders. The culture of the Army, especially aviation is MUCH more relaxed. But Army Navy and Air Force have to complete Marine basic to join the Marines. Interesting. The Marines had way better training but treated you like crap and they were in shitty units. The only weapon the infantry might posses that might do some damage to a space marine is an AT4, but the chances of them even landing a hit on a space marine is low. So now you have the Coast Guard vs the cartels, which is currently what we have going on. At first I wanted to go AF, but after thinking. One is called The Army and one is called The Marines. ***"The military" is vague. Once you go to Ranger school, you are a Ranger forever. What exactly an army does is dependent upon the country. You’ll be a janitor regardless. The training is exactly the same. Then I realized how shitty the amenities are, and the Army offered more opportunities for me. I worked with several female Marines on a joint AF/Marine/Navy fighter and they loved the Marines, but liked working on an AF base due to better facilities. It's only 4 years, might as well do something you'll be proud of. If pride is important to you, stay in the Marines or be prepared to be super into whatever your local mascot and song is every time you PCS. There are army units as bad as the Corps units, if not worse. Some of those Army guys are fat as fuck and anytime I worked with the Army many of them just seemed straight up incompetent at their jobs. When I joined the natty guard, it just confirmed I was right… However! The entire guard is getting a mass influx of prior service Marines that people are starting to call the army national guard the “Marine Corps retirement home” 26 votes, 11 comments. Another thing to consider is Air Force Special Warfare. Also, pick a job that transfers well to the civilian sector- 25, 68, 35 series are all great ones to pick. you've never served. Jul 16, 2024 · Army is 22 weeks of infantry OSUT and Marines is 13 weeks of boot camp plus 14 weeks of infantry school. In modern times, Marines and Army will both be the main force. We had, easily, 15-20 Marines a day walking in or calling because they were getting the boot from the Corps. The moment you hit the fleet, you’re already facing great pressure to take over team leader positions. The Marines can quickly go anywhere for many tasks. If you can't get into the military for whatever reason atleast you tried. Marines you'll either rotate to Japan or do a MEU that'll see you in dozens of countries. Otherwise we'll assume you're American. I'm currently at the point of finally getting back in the military. Too low for navy. The Army fights big land battles. And the Army has helicopters and some small planes, but legally can’t have its own air force. All you have to do is look back at the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Soldiers also do not actually get treated that bad. [4][5] The Similarly, the US Army and Air-force are both parts of the overall US military and have similar rank structure, but that’s about where the similarities end. China has the largest army by number of active soldiers. Top 10 Things You Should Know Before You Join the Military. There’s many combat roles in each branch, but the Army and Marines are definitely the best bet for seeing actual combat. You won't really gain anything going from one to the other. And the army can be as weird as the Corps is for field days, but for huge over the top morning PT sessions insanely early. This will all be at fort benning. The whole, once a marine always a marine thing. Despite Marines being vaunted for their marksmanship, the Army produces the best shooters in the entire military and world. For marines it’s 13 weeks of boot camp and then 14 weeks of infantry training at IMC/SOI/ITB whatever you wanna call it. Marine Corps is a whole different beast in itself. Unless you want to earn the title of Marine, go Army. I’m/was leaning toward the army heavily but now but after going to a marine corps group pt I loved the camaraderie. The Army was a bigger part of the Iraq surge than the Marines were, #'s wise, and operated in most parts of the country including Al Anbar. You either commission or they release you. My own experience was the marines treated civilians native and otherwise better than the army. Besides direct action raids, these include: Airfield seizure, special reconnaissance, personnel recovery, clandestine insertion, and site exploitation. Conclusion. The Army are the dudes who come in and take over areas after the Marines clear them out, but the Army still sees a fairly high amount of gunfights. AF doesn't currently require DLAB if asvab is high enough. Incase this matters to you, PT is way more emphasized in the Marine Corps. And I've heard the phrase "Jarhead of the Army" when describing Rangers. I want to join the marines but I’m not sure if I’m fit enough I’m 5’8 and 183 pounds I know no matter what branch I do want to do infantry for the marines either machine gunner or anti tank missleman and just basic infantry for the army my family thinks I wouldn’t be good in the marines because I’ve always been in their opinion too nice and expected me to be like my dad and go into Enlisting in the Marines with the eventual goal of enlisting in the Rangers is, once again, asinine. You go to basic, then WOCS, then onto flight school with maybe a month or two of prep courses in between. 5 space marines vs. The IJA’s force at that battle was far more numerous, but the Soviets has a lot more artillery, armor and air support, and they were a lot better at using those assets in a coordinated manner. I don't know much on military history, but I can tell you that the Marine Corps are the masters of PR. Lots of people love the Marines and lots of people hate the Army--so obviously figure out what is best for you! But the Army's size and variety is a strong item in the "pro" column, so to put the Marines above the Army, you need to figure out reasons that outweigh that plus. I am a very hands on, active, on the ground woman. You can leave your car unlocked on AF bases, you can’t on Army bases. The army doesn’t offer group pt to the poolees. I am seriously contemplating making the military a career and have realized the Army provides superior career advancement over the Marines. The Marines are terrible - and I will never ever ever recommend the Marines to anyone. If you want to go Marines go Marines. Marines are taught history which instills pride. Possible chance of deployment around the world or to Antarctica! From an army perspective, I think it’s because Marines tend to have pride in the fact that they are Marines. Qual for it the army). I originally wanted to join the Marines because the advertising made them look dope. Just from talking to senior marines, I think overall they handle their PT programs better. Okay, obviously I know that the 75th is a completely different animal than the Marine Corps, I just needed an attention grabber. Without a declared war that would make this a Law Enforcement action, as it currently is. Army units were taking territory in Iraq during the invasion at the same time Marines were doing it. Lastly, is culture differences. I want my college paid for but I want to feel like I earned it. u/when_ducks_attack has previously explained the role of the Marines in Europe (scroll down for the follow-up answers, this answer is less than six months old) The Kwantung Army’s 1939 defeat at Kholkin Gol (vs the Soviets) is a great example of the kinds of problems the IJA would have versus the US Marines. When I was in the Marine Corps, I always thought soldiers were undisciplined, fat and lazy. Even then, your chances are very slim. ***Your post must be a question; chat posts are not allowed. Everyone is going to tell you not to do Marine Corps infantry, but it’s funny how every grunt says they are 100% glad they did it. Also, ignore the fact the the US has the Air Force as its own air force, but so does the US Navy and US Marines. in my Force Recon platoon we had only 3 guys out of 24 that were Ranger qual'd. At the same time though I’m interested in just learning a trade and getting out so joining the Army as a carpenter for 2 years and coming back seems very appealing too. S. So the 75th Ranger Regiment is known for hazing their new guys. If they are in the Marines, they probably are infantry, which universally are regarded as dumb, but a less significant portion of other forces. Marines are not explorers they are soldiers, a marine will never be sent to explore a world, though they have been sent to escort scientists on board UNSC ships. The Army treated them better but the quality of training didn't seem as well. This is a common thing I hear from both female and male Marines. The Army throws you into AIT if you fail OCS. I met with the marine corps, navy, and army. I was an Army recruiter outside of a Marine Corps base. They get to man the wall (tho they are stretched all along it) and bring all hand-held and light stationary weapons avaliable to them. You can do the Marines and get chosen and not get through Marine OCS and walk to the Army and do their OCS. I wanted to do navy first. Sign the fuck up and join the Corp Exactly this. This is coming from several guys I served with in the Marines, who served in the Army as well. Marines think they are the best and they act like it. The marines and army are both combat forces, they will both be deployed to combat zones, including to battle insurrectionists. Even much simpler, cheaper, and easier to make weapons from the 1970s and surplus shit would be way better than anything that was available in ww2. I've know a couple prior service guys who switched from marines to army and despite all of the army bs, it was still far better than the marines in their opinions. TACP’s and CCT’s work with different branches all the time. Each branch has its own strengths. As for Army vs Marines, you're going to get different answers depending on people's experiences with both branches. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard are branches of the US Military. So the marines are heavily combat focused. "The Few, The Proud" is a short and sweet (sounds a lot cooler than "Army Strong"), the commercials are over-the-top and will give just about any teenage guy interested in joining the military a War-Boner and their Dress Blue's are probably the cleanest, most pristine thing ever. I was thinking Army and Marines would best fit me but I would like some outside help/information of what would be the best. If you want Army go Army. A hate/love relationship. Sure there a subtle differences but do you really think the Army knows less about infantry training and tactics then the Marines does or vice versa - the answer is NO! The truth is, the Marines does more with less while the Army has way better options for those who are in its infantry then the Marines does. The more salient difference I think is deployments and where you go. Go military when your 18 so when you get out if you do you'll be 21 or 22. wow. For reference I scored a 93 on my ASVAB, 99 on the DLAB (I had intention of doing linguist. There are certain requirement you have to reach to be looked at on a board for promotion to Captain and Major. But the ranks of 2ndLt to Captain takes 4 years at the very least. And in the Marine Corps. ” I wanted to get a actual un-bias view on what the differences are between the Army & the Marines. The Army of the Dead gets their full number of wights, has the NK, the Walkers and the Ice Dragon. You have less freedom in marines than army and also army gives you more chances for schools such as airborne ranger sniper jungle etc. You may find the below links helpful: Head To Head Comparison of the Military Branches. Our allies saw the exact opposite. . So if you hate PTing, that might be a con for you. ) The Army is more flexible and will most likely afford you the most opportunities based on their size. ) I prefer Army’s patrol tactics over them. ” Marines has become a catch-all for infantrymen. I believe the marine corps is great for giving a sense of accomplishment. Dec 7, 2024 · The army fights on land, and so do many countries' marines. So who is the "worst" or may I say the best at hazing? Army Rangers or Marine Infantry? If you want to stay in the military longer then the first contact and have more options in training & opportunities, go Army. The Mexican military even though by no means is near the level of the US is still very elite and the Mexican marines regularly crush cartel members. The Corps is the worlds biggest frat, it's far, far, far more of a brotherhood than being in the Army is. Army mostly rotates into Eastern Europe, like Poland or a rotation to Korea. For all intents and purposes they are the exact same thing, with one exception. Your still on the battlefield. I love the morals and honor of the marines. The issue with the Army is that half of your co workers are felons or soon to be felons. The Marines have invested decades of effort into structuring an image and a brand recognition that appeals to young men (mostly) who want a challenge. Once you complete Marine Corps basic training later in your career if you need to switch branches you do not have to repeat basic training. While in the Marine Corps, those jobs usually go to Lance corporals and Corporals. Marines are far superior in machine guns (and I’m a heavy weapons company guy. There's no question and it's an utter mismatch. (Army infantry OSUT used to be only 14 weeks, 22 weeks is way to long is most people’s opinion). ***Please use a clear title for your question: clear titles get clear answers. Marines is a bit longer overall but I don’t think there’s much infantry training during the 13 week boot camp. So an Aircraft Mechanic may be your First Sargeant with no Experience in the Infantry but that last year when they were chosen out of a list. Army's premier light infantry unit, with specialized skills that enable the Regiment to perform a variety of missions. I want to join the marines but I’m not sure if I’m fit enough I’m 5’8 and 183 pounds I know no matter what branch I do want to do infantry for the marines either machine gunner or anti tank missleman and just basic infantry for the army my family thinks I wouldn’t be good in the marines because I’ve always been in their opinion too nice and expected me to be like my dad and go into No idea for army, but I would assume same shit as Marine Corps for lifestyle with a bigger budget, but easier initial training. Urban ops I think Army does better but I’ve seen limited amount of it. You might be able to change branches down the line but it is not a guarantee. If someone is “in the army” who knows what they do. Swimming, Shooting, Drill. Include your country if you're not asking about the US military. 100 guardsmen isn't even a fair fight. 9% of the time, the only Marines that will even geta glimmer of hope of going to Ranger School will be the Reconnaissance Marines. Army infantry vs Marine infantry, probably not much difference. Even the navy falls under it. Your out. Im a marine in the barracks and I know the living conditions in the Barracks here in Cherry Point NC ain’t “that” bad but compared to the air force it could be better. Jul 16, 2024 · Plus 1 week of reception. Military: All the forces a country uses to establish power internationally. In the Army, if you have a pulse and don’t give up you will make it through flight school. When it comes to intelligence disciplines, my favorite is counterintelligence, HUMINT, and GEOINT. Coming from a marine go army infantry you will be guaranteed the job unlike marines they can give you an infantry contract you got to boot camp graduate and get fucked over and put in a pog mos. It’s not impossible to stay in, but if you plan on making the military a career, it’s easily the worst branch to join. Currently the Army, Navy, and Airforce are trying to talk me into their specific branch. The 82nd Airborne definitely appeals to me. Marine Corps has more discipline and esprit de corp in general, but you will see similar levels of fitness, training, discipline, and skill between a Marine unit and an Army airborne unit. well. And the US Army has Not really. Marine grunts are also known for hazing new guys. Apparently there were over 3 million soldiers on each side and several thousand artillery, aircraft, and tanks. Navy: has ships and fights on the water (or from the air, based on water like an aircraft carrier) Air Force: Fights with planes and bombs and stuff. Got a someone in itb right now who was a e-4 in the army and transferred to the marines. The KIA rate for the Marine Corps and Army for both active and total force numbers is much higher than their actual percentages (Which makes sense considering the ground mission for the two services) but the Marines have a higher relative casualty pretty much any way you look at it. And some of the army barracks are just as bad the Marine ones. My personal opinion for ranking the initial training of each service from most to least difficulty, fuck fuck games, and rate of failure would be (knowing it is designed for you to pass to get on with your career) Enlisting in the Marines with the eventual goal of enlisting in the Rangers is, once again, asinine. The amount of suck is about the same but there is more opportunities for training, different schools, more duty stations, and generally better family time than in the Marines. dfwn etvfy kmoa myhk wceemzm ffl gyeqo xocgjv unwgg lrvqak xbwkal fytgp govasb yuzz pzzvr