High plains observer dumas. The HPO is seeking to verify information.
High plains observer dumas Submit Your News. In an effort to improve services to citizens, the Dumas Police Department has implemented an on-line service for obtaining copies of traffic accident reports. He’s pleaded guilty to felony theft and got deferred adjudication for four years. Sherrell Memorial Award. Mark Stroebel, 56 of Dumas, passed away on Tuesday, May 13, 2014. HPO Perryton. No replacement has been named and the city plans to work with PRPC to find a replacement. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 3 hrs 47 mins ago. com ' 6 hrs 45 mins ago 1. ” Bob stated that a steering committee headed by the Lubbock Mayor had been meeting about the corridor but nothing is going to happen for some time. Our goal was to provide up to the minute, easy to access, LOCAL and FREE news. A New Bird Is Rocking The High Plains • O Holy Night Featuring Anthony Blake Clark • Panhandle PBS To Stream Live on YouTube • Actor Kenneth Lee Tolbert Has Ties to Dumas • Christmas Season At The Window on the Plains Museum and The Art Center • Paul Mills Created Soundtrack To War Room • Showing At The Evelyn Theatre In Dumas ***The High Plains Observers have tried to contact all candidates in area races for either radio or email interview. Keeney founded Keeney, Hembree and Company, CPA in Dumas in 1957 and was the managing partner for 45 years. A visitor from Washington viewed 'Tabitha Ward' 3 hrs 54 mins ago. Other, more complex notices require more space. Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. Spearman Chamber honored the HPO with business of the year in 2008. Jones (806) High Plains Observer Dumas Story In Ports-to-Plains Newsletter Ports-to-Plains Alliance would like to thank the Texas Legislature for taking economic leadership in paving the way to put before Texas voters a ballot question that will mean $2. CONTACT US. A visitor from Fritch viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 19 hrs 44 mins ago. 4804 Juana Longoria at 521 Pine congratulations on winning yard of the week! Your dedication to maintaining such a lovely yard is inspiring. CONTACT US . 1st Street, North to Success Boulevard. 4804 Dumas Clarence Lon “Lonnie” McDonald was born August 19,1939 to Joseph Haskell and Sadie Frances (Abbott) McDonald in Dumas, TX. 1124 S. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 8 hrs 58 mins ago. Gary Charles Cates, 76, passed from News as it happens, lots and lots and lots of color photos, important and timely information, useful links, and a newspaper that involves YOU. Subject left without incident. Graveside services are scheduled for 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, May 17, 2014 at Fairview Cemetery in Pampa TX with Rev. I REPORT. A visitor from Hooker viewed 'High Plains Observer' 4 Dumas Claude The Spearman DQ remains to be open along with Plains, Friona and Seminole. Keep up the fantastic work it’s truly beautiful. High and High School. com}bulletlink. highways 87 and 287 in the center of the county. 1700 S. MENU. 24. , Dumas Texas with Pastor Seth Seale officiating, the family welcomed those who came to celebrate Brock's beautiful spirit. – Suspicious Person – Contact made with subject who was asked to leave the property. 4804 And all the surrounding communities Local, fast and free. Unfortunately, this has not been enough to meet the daily demands. com • bgillispie@ptsi. highplainsobserver. High Flying Outfitters - Rick, Bob, Bobby, and Bruce Contact us at any of the numbers below: Rick D. The Dumas hospital has space and staff for 11 coronavirus patients, but only three who are really sick and need intensive care. Martin Heinrich (NM 2022 Ports-to-Plains Alliance Annual Conference. 4804 The High Plains Observer offers a widespread readership on five sites that include communities in most of the Texas Panhandle. highplainsobservers. 4804. We were honored to be named Spearman Business of the Year in 2008. Senate Bill 2 aims to create education savings accounts for Texas students comprised of $1 billion that would serve 100,000 children. Dumas Police Department officers arrested a man early Sunday morning around 1 AM after they were led on a high A visitor from Abilene viewed 'High Plains Observer' 10 hrs 33 mins ago A visitor from Texline viewed ' City of Stratford and Sherman County Development C ' 10 hrs 40 mins ago A visitor from Whitney viewed ' Sweetheart Dance February 15 ' 11 hrs 6 mins ago Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. But in 1979, she became Dumas ISD’s school nurse and started a legacy which is continuing to this day. A beige 2006 Chevrolet pickup failed to yield right of way from the stop sign in the 100 block of north 6th. Ms. 1. Bogner has won a title every year since entering high school as a freshman, and he’s won all four by moving up in weight each year, starting at 113 pounds as a freshman, then winning at 126, 132 and concluding his career by winning at 138 this year. Western St. Some legal notices only require a small amount of space and an Affidavit of Publisher. Dumas Ave. 4804 Deck Shaver comes to Dumas from Moulton, Texas where he served as the City Administrator of Moulton; overseeing and managing all the city departments. OIL & GAS REPORT Week of September 9-15, 2024 Intents to Drill OCHILTREE (PAN PETRO, Cleveland) H & L Exploration Company, LLC. Markets by TradingView. Contact Us. 100 block S. – Accident - A white 1995 Pontiac Grand Prix was north in the 500 block of north Dumas approaching 6th and north Dumas, in the inside lane. Bringing You The NewsWhile It's Still The News! A visitor from Denver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 3 hrs 13 mins ago A visitor from Stratford viewed ' SJV Football Team ' 3 hrs 45 mins ago A visitor from Stratford viewed ' Sherman County District Clerk Appointed To US Elec ' 3 hrs 56 mins ago Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. A visitor from Dumas viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 hr 40 mins ago. The Spearman Chamber of Commerce honored the HPO with business of the year in 2008. HPO Spearman. com. Politics. 930. { website powered by bulletlink. The www. We are happy to provide our news site free of charge to our viewers and as you can see we have been around Dumas Claude The Spearman DQ remains to be open along with Plains, Friona and Seminole. She later held down office hours at the junior high and high school before being promoted to the nursing coordinator in 2007. Dumas ave. com ' 6 hrs 40 mins ago A visitor from Dumas viewed ' Dumas ISD Calendar ' 7 hrs 4 mins ago 7. As of today, there are nearly 11 million visits to www. HPO Canadian. Brenda was the first woman member of the Dumas Rotary Club. A visitor from Fredericksburg viewed 'CommonGround Unifying Farming Women' 9 hrs 20 Dumas. The High Plains Observer~~DUMAS The High Plains Observer began in Spearman in July 2006 and has enjoyed tremendous success as a huge community information center. ESAs would start at a base of $2,000, and could go up to $10,000 if the student is enrolled in an accredited private school. High Plains Observer Adds New Columnist Lane Haley. Freda and R. Gina Gillispie Editor•bgillispie@ptsi. About Erin: Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. NEWS. HPO Dumas. The Chevrolet pickup traveled into the intersection and struck the Pontiac. 24, 1946, in Lubbock. Brenda has been “hands-on” in D5730 for many years. com offer you local news every single day all day! FREE! Each site has its own local news updated every day. A visitor from Plains viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 1 hr 59 mins ago A visitor from Oregon viewed ' City of Stinnett Election May 3, 2025--Notice of F ' 2 hrs 12 mins ago A visitor from Dallas viewed ' High Plains Online News in Hutchinson County. Contact Us: Guest Book: News Via Email: OBSERVERS. OBSERVERS . We began the High Plains Observer in 2006 with our across the street neighbor Ron Antalek. 7. Bob Brinkmann, Treasurer of Dumas EDC said, “Now that we know the I-27 corridor is going to be at the least, 25 years from now we have time to plan our next step, now rather than later. Guest Book. Amarillo, TX. #2H Auzzie, (665 acres) 250’ FSL & 1980’ FEL, Sec 136, Blk 43, H&TC RR Surv, A-730, 21 mi S from Perryton TX TD 7500’, (BHL: 330’ FNL & 1980’ FEL Sec 136, Blk 43, H&TC Surv, A-730) (sgd. The first HPO, the High Plains Observer, began in Spearman in July 2006 and has enjoyed tremendous success as a huge community information center. net • 806. Dumas routs Caprock. 79118 or ones favorite charity. "Mert" Keeney of Dumas celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on January 24. Financial Markets. With modified Peoria scoring, each of the teams was eager Brenda and her husband Mike are both members of the Dumas Rotary Club, Brenda for 26 years and Mike for 21 years. On Sunday afternoon, January 19, 2025, at Morrison Memorial Chapel, 1015 S Dumas Ave. Dumas Moore County September 30, 2024 Average gasoline prices in Texas have fallen 5. SUBMISSION FORMS Dumas Police Department will establish a "Safe Zone," beginning 8:00 AM, Wednesday, March 29, 2023, and continuing until 8:00 PM, Friday, April 7, 2023, on N. S. M. Officials say in February, Jeff Lovell worked at the school and was accused of taking Booster Club funds. Coffee Shop. 24-7-365. August Pfluger (TX) Construction: US 277 - Operational Improvements $3,000,000 Sen. The gin began operations in 2005, being only the second gin north of I-40 in Texas. Spearman. Church News. Dumas High School Class of 2010 - sitemapsitemap. Lewis began her Dumas school nursing career by splitting her time between Morningside, Sunset, and the high school. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster DUMAS A former Dumas ISD police officer admits to stealing Booster Club funds. We are located 45 miles north of Amarillo, Texas on Highway 287. He provided administrative direction and supervision in the development of all municipal policy for review and adoption by the Mayor and City Council of Moulton. 600 N. Pictured Left to Right Freddy Chavez, Contractor for the project, Areli Chavez, Panhandle Community Services Communications Specialist, Judge Rowdy Rhoades, Board member, Magi York, Executive Director of PCS, Milton Pax, who the center will be named after for his efforts in creating this possibility, John Sharp, PCS Board President, Dumas Mayor Bob Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. There was some concern that last week’s frigid weather could damage some of this Panhandle wheat. His early life was spent in Dumas and a small Southeastern Oklahoma community, Buffalo Valley. 68/g today, according to GasBuddy's survey of 13,114 stations in Texas. A visitor from Maryland viewed 'Read All Rep. 4804 Last week, at the annual Investigator's Conference in Rockwall, Texas, the Investigator's Section of the Texas District and County Attorney's Association honored Terry Vogel by presenting him with the prestigious Oscar A. Nestled within the expansive High Plains region of the Texas Panhandle, Spearman is known for its friendly atmosphere, strong community spirit, Reader Thanks High Plains Observer Dumas Online News • Elm Trees Dieing? • Letter to the Editor/Tommy Brooks • Commissioner Mike Funk Gives An Update • Thanks To Dumas Blood Drive Donors • Story of Crash Touches Heart Of One in Pennsylvania • Troop 202 And Pack 39 Says Thanks To Windows On The Plains • Proud of Troop 199 For Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. Ronny Jackson (TX) Interstate Planning for U. Contact Us; Guest Book; News Via Email; OBSERVERS. These tours will give attendees hands-on opportunities to view rainwater harvesting installations at businesses and Family suggests memorial in memory of Glenda be to High Plains Children’s Home, 11461 S. 19, 2025 Area high school students will experience what it is like to be an AC student during career exploration events at Amarillo College. Randy O Neal 806-353 Dumas Mayor Bob Brinkman declined to offer details of the resignation, but did say there was no wrongdoing on the part of Resendez and the decision was a mutual agreement between the manager and council. Keeney married the former Freda Thompson on Jan. John PO Box 438 • 124 E. A visitor from Miami viewed 'High Plains Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 hr 54 mins ago. August 01, 2014 1. HPO Hutchinson County. Gina Gillispie Editor • 806. GUEST BOOK. A late lunch was provided to the group by 580 Steakhouse. Wanna Be A News Partner. HPO Hutchinson County; HPO Perryton; Read All The High Plains Observers FREE*LOCAL*AREA NEWS*EVERYDAY. 365 On Friday morning, March 28, the conference will offer two Field Tours via 56-passenger buses in the Amarillo locality. 4804 A visitor from United states viewed 'City of Dumas and Dumas ISD Election May 5 2025' 5 hrs 35 mins ago A visitor from Garner viewed ' highplainsobserverdumas. 4804 • bgillispie@ptsi. Ochiltree County AgriLife Extension Agent Scott Strawn told KXDJ’s Chris Samples he thought it would be fine and Crop Quest agronomist Keaton Pope agrees. It was named for Louis Dumas, president of the Panhandle Townsite Company in Sherman, who purchased railroad survey lands in the Panhandle. Brock was born March 22, 1988 but as a young child, both in Jr. Letters to the Editor. Agriculture. Erin Lands is a candidate for the 69 th Judicial Attorney that serves Dallam, Hartley, Moore and Sherman Counties. The High Plains Observer newspaper serves as a reliable source of news and information for the community of Spearman, Texas. The HPO is seeking to verify information. Lonnie graduated from Buffalo Valley High School in 1957 and then attended Eastern Oklahoma State for a short time. 5 billion in additional infrastructure funding into transportation. 10,285 likes · 928 talking about this. 4804 A visitor from Stratford viewed 'High Plains Observer' 14 hrs 38 mins ago A visitor from Lubbock viewed ' 2021 Padilla Poll All State Football Honors ' 19 hrs 59 mins ago A visitor from Orlando viewed ' Notes From the Superintendent ' 21 hrs 17 "One of the things that makes the High Plains Observers special are the additions of talented and creative writers and thinkers in our immediate area," says Gina Spearman, Stratford and Dumas) is FREE online 24-7 with local news posted Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. A visitor from Fort worth viewed 'Dumas Junior High School Receives $12,000 Through ' 5 hrs 20 mins ago A visitor from High springs viewed ' Dumas ISD Calendar ' 5 hrs 40 mins ago A visitor from Oregon viewed ' highplainsobserverdumas. National Columns. Dumas Masonic Lodge Grants Scholarships. A visitor from Amarillo viewed 'High Plains Observer' 4 hrs 58 mins ago. 4804 Held at Dumas’ Pheasant Trails Golf Course, PGA pro golfer Tim Spurlock urged the players to enjoy the day and have fun. – Public Intoxication – After causing a disturbance at a business Matthew Brumbaugh was arrested for public intoxication. A visitor from Michigan viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 21 hrs 54 Read All The High Plains Observers FREE*LOCAL*AREA NEWS*EVERYDAY. Front Page. Moore County Gin, LP, located near Dumas, recently ginned their millionth bale of cotton since they began serving growers on the Northern High Plains of Texas. net•Jesse Mariscal Photographer. A reminder that we automatically go into Stage 1 from May through September. The High Plains Observer Dumas does a lunch and learn with different members of the community to learn more about them and what they do in Moore County. High Plains Observer, Spearman, Texas. This week Gina Gillispie and news specialist Jackie Wiswell met with the new Funeral Director of Morrison Funeral Directors, Todd Beeson. Arrived and found that the driver of 2015 Chevrolet Silverado had gotten stuck in the automatic car wash bay and had attempted to force his way out which caused damage to the equipment as well as the vehicle and caused it to become stuck A visitor from Philadelphia viewed 'Dumas Demons at Highland Park Powerlifting Results' 6 hrs 33 mins ago A visitor from Florida viewed ' Dumas ISD To Meet January 13, 2025 ' 6 hrs 44 mins ago A visitor from Los angeles viewed ' Best of Flea Market Style by Better Homes and Gard ' 6 hrs 44 mins ago Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. The first HPO, the High Plains Observer, We have been serving Dumas and the surrounding areas since 2008. Page 2. Jackie has been with us for SIX years. 4804 High temperatures, little rain, and increased water consumption have caused the City of Dumas to implement Stage 3 of our Drought Contingency Plan. com ' 7 hrs 33 mins ago A visitor from Amarillo viewed ' Dumas Police Report November 14-20 ' 9 hrs 19 mins ago All of our hunts originate at Dumas, Texas in the Texas Panhandle. When they need lifesaving therapies Turner's hospital can't provide, his staff tries to find open beds at larger hospitals in Amarillo, about 50 miles to the south. A visitor from New york viewed 'High Plains Observer' 3 hrs 34 mins ago. We were able to give scholarship's to two deserving young people on May 10, 2023, Guadalupe Mendoza daughter of Benjamin & Adela Mendoza, and Matthew Tapp son of David & Elizabeth Tapp. com} Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. This is our summer conservation period. Maddox Avenue running from E. 1 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $2. If you would like to be part of the Q&A, please email [email protected]. qv In January 1891 Dumas and his associates formed the Moore County Townsite Company and platted the town . Lane Haley is a 4th generation farmer and rancher in Ochiltree County, Texas. 101 N Bernice St, PO Box 633, Spearman, TX, 79081. 287 from Dumas to Amarillo $4,000,000 Rep. Located in Hansford County, Spearman is a small city with a population of around 3,000 residents. 4804 Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. Todd has been in Dumas for three years but has only been in charge treasures the fact that he played qb on the 1962 state champion football team for dumas jerry glover 1961 – all-district football as a sophomore 1962 – all-district, all-state football 1963 – all-district, all-state, high school all-american in football started 40 games in 3 years of football for dumas High School Students Invited to Career Experiential Events at AC Feb. Perryton. They have lived in Dumas for 62 years. Dumas, the county seat of Moore County, is at the junction of U. Business Directory. Authorities also say he was ordered to pay $10,000 to the band boosters. 4804 HPO Dumas. – Accident - Dispatched to Jack's Car Wash 1124 S Dumas Ave in reference to a vehicle versus building. Stratford. A visitor from Kochi viewed 'City of Dumas and Dumas ISD Election May 5 2025' 4 hrs 52 mins ago A visitor from Amarillo viewed ' highplainsobserverdumas. 7th Street • Dumas, TX 79029 • (806) 935‐3998. Read All The High Plains Observers FREE*LOCAL*AREA NEWS*EVERYDAY. In a recent meeting hosted by the City of Dumas for TML Region II, Dumas Mayor Bob Brinkmann opened with positive remarks about living in Dumas and the quality of life offered in the city. News Via Email. Mert Keeney, Brenda’s Dad, invited her to join Rotary. vkrfj bhsrk qoqdp dhlp tbri kwrm clv aupr wchuzw murc iqia ymnfo chwelzh tcwjt gmlexj