My ex is never coming back reddit. this past session he said my ex is emotionally unavailable.
My ex is never coming back reddit Other times, they’ll want to be polite about it, so they’ll use softer statements like “You deserve someone better,” “I’m just not good enough for you, so you should let me go,” or “Maybe it’s time to focus on yourself and what makes you happy. But months went by and nothing. Oh yeah, you dont stop thinking of your ex even after youve healed. Being unable to value myself, I needed external validation and for a while my ex gave it They keep saying my ex is gonna come back he the sweetest person and I just laugh because I know my ex is a Narcissist who twisted words and make me doubt myself. Jul 4, 2024 路 Yes my ex came back. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Sometimes it's for the best. Sometimes they’ll tell you this directly, without much consideration for your feelings. And ill get over my last ex when I fall in love again. Like I can have all the hope in the world and if my ex doesnt come back then I will be devastated. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Actually a better cook, better in bed, and wants to be with me. If you don't do that, it won't matter whether your ex decides to come back or not. It’s a long story. She’s an “avoidant” and I was blindsided. We've been seeing eachother for 8 months now and things are good, but it's still tough getting past other people that she was with while we were apart. if the root cause was a specific problem, it could work if they were identified and solved. I cried a lot but i’m also in a new relationship I don’t really know what to do. I went back to my ex-husband once only to find out that the issues that led us to divorce were still there. At some point though, you have to start looking out for actual signs that your ex wants to get back with you. Statistics do not keep an account of whether a woman made an attempt to come back and the man refused. Well, maybe I mean, does he wan to come back to you? I mean, I wanna come back to mine. When exes do comeback is never with the perfect intentions. 5 years ago after being together for 5 years But they will need to know for future medical needs. LOL But, I've allowed him to come back into my life as a friend and he is allowing himself the beauty that is our friendship. Next, I'll explain why it's best to pretend that there's a big checkmark next to each of those signs. 1 year later, we both decided to never see each other again If he had come back sooner I would have just taken him back. Never again, that door is now firmly shut. If you're still young- There's always a possibilty they may come back. But if you're middle aged like myselfslim to zero chance. I’m just over the year mark. If they come back, then they do. Some took months while others took years. And now that I'm wondering if he's coming back a second time, things have been very very difficult. 2 sessions before that and he flat out said my ex is a narcissist. well 2 days later she sent me a text asking if i wanted my stuff i said no and explained to her how i felt and how i woukdve stayed with her money or no money she used In my experience if you do the no contact thing they might show up, but if you keep bugging them they move on and never come back. You never know as they all come back in their own timeline, which could be a month, but could Years I’m not saying my ex gfs have always “come back” have they circled around at some point. " knowing that sometime really means never as long as I'm with my partner. He came back but left again. If there’s no more feelings and problems weren’t fixed, I would not go back period. My ex never came back it's been 3 years and I moved on with another girl which we broke up recently for the exact same reason. The sooner you do this, the sooner you can heal. Have you ever had a narc that said that and ended up trying to come back. You guys would just end up breaking up again. ) Save one--my last ex. Whatever happens, they will never come back the same and you'll just be punishing yourself waiting for them. I've searched a bunch of stories on here. It’s for your brain chemistry to get back to normal and off the drug so to speak. Maybe your ex will see how much you've grown and she may come back, but if not then make way for someone who will truly love you. My first ex dumped me around 4 years ago now. Oh the betrayal 馃槀 but wow, did that help me realise he was never coming back to my toxic mess. But honestly, all it really takes is time. He eventually left me for someone else and I can’t describe that pain. The guy before him started texting me after about two months. I pleaded with him and tried to reason with him and tried to do anything in my power to keep him. She also cheated with my ex best friend back in may too. This is a very subjective one. Also I know I will not come back to him even if he has change. Ig the problem is with me. Anyways, around 6 months after leaving and sticking to NC my ex reached out to me. Not everyone will come back. That's a fact. My ex girlfriend also blindsided me with a break up. I'm legit ok with being NC with my ex FOREVER lol. My ex just got official with a new guy she’s been seeing for 4 months. However I have read a lot of stuff and learned lots on here and I now know to take things very slowly. I love real hard, even when I'm fucked over I love like I've never been hurt. I'm tired of regretting the things I've missed out on because of him controlling my life, and I dont want to keep telling my friends "yeah we should do this sometime. It gave me power over my life. No, your ex is never coming back, this is the hardest thing about being broken up with. The hope I had that he would come back delayed my grief, and made it last longer. If that's the case and because I want one I would cut him loose for good. And if they do come back, it's usually when you've already moved on. Not to mention making me start my life all over (I had to spend 10s of Ks to get back on my feet) was unforgivable on my mind. It’s not the case for me, when my ex is done he is DONE. My heart hurts knowing that day will come, but i hope my child understands that i always did my best and worked hard to keep them safe and happy. I'm back with my ex after we were separated for a year. Yeah. People might think you're delusional if you still have hopes of your long gone ex coming back and you can't really blame them. She reached out once to say happy birthday and congratulate me on moving out on my own. I was waiting for that ex to come back just to tell him where to go. She is too inconsistent, too unreliable and too impaired being an untreated avoidant. I tell myself everyday day that that’s pretty much impossible. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now I’m 4 years out so I guess he’ll NEVER “come back” the way I want!! Me and my ex got back My ex is 19F, so maybe through growing up she changed? I didn’t notice any changes though. No hate - I hope he’s able to live his life authentically and from what he told me about her (when we were together), she is a genuinely wonderful person. I'd rather have a thousand needles through my pee-hole. And I think this is because of not wanting to get judged. we got together a couple of months ago and it was fantastic (honeymoon phase) but overtime issues started popping up and we broke up and got back together 4-5 times in the span of 2 months. But again, you're right. You never know how life will turn out. She told me she felt overwhelmed with me there, and I understood. I go to therapy, but I'm often not brutally honest about everything with them. Constantly thinking about why is this happening, can I get her back Today I've realized that 99. After 5 months, he texted me one day “How are you? I want to know if you’re okay”. Below, I'll go over eleven imperative signs indicating your ex is never coming back, so we're all on the same page about what we're discussing. No one. None of what you're going to find on the internet will make any difference. Seriously if someone needed more than 2 days to discover (especially by getting with someone else) that you were actually a valuable partner it's Jun 7, 2022 路 This article will look at the big signs that your ex isn’t coming back and why that might not be such a bad thing. My little brother told me something after my ex and I first broke up. My cards are always brutally honest about what I'm dealing with in the present. Not only have I had ex girlfriends who dumped me come back (one ex on two separate occasions) I have also dumped an ex GF and never looked back once. i started to become a pathological liar In my first breakup, I didn't think my ex would come back and it was very easy to move on, one month and I was fine. Also, when my ex left me I waited around for him for almost 2 years (cringe) we kept hooking up/acting like nothing had changed. But if she would let me at least know that I have not that there was a chance for me. Or they see you doing better. this past session he said my ex is emotionally unavailable. It seems final now but I’ve dated a narc in the past and he’s been trying to come back. u cannot bring the old Well, the term "don't come back" is flawed. Same here. My and my ex had bad communication methods, if we truly grew, worked on ourselves, wanted to try couples therapy AND still had feelings, I would come back That’s is. Especially since I had to move evvvverything out I doubt he’d ever entertain the idea and come back. I contacted Dr Olumide to help me bring back my husband and he asked me not to worry that the oracle of his fore -fathers will fight for me. It’s not owed to you. No contact boosts your chances of them coming back. And as far as accomplishing this: just try to tell yourself, “they’re not coming back. So that kinda put things into perspective. Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general… Alot of men that "come back" aren't reaching out for genuine reasons like because they actually regret ending the relationship but are really just coming back around in hopes of getting sex. May 18, 2022 路 1. I know because its exactly what happened to me: I was totally over my previous ex when i fell in love with my last ex. My being hung up on the ex was a symptom of my personality disorder/childhood trauma. He told me in 48 hours he will reunite me and my husband together. He also said that he hasn’t made for distance. Im in this situation where my ex told me he didn't love me anymore. Based on how she treated the break up and everything. My ex never reached out to me after breaking up with me. This article is based on an interview with our licensed clinical psychologist and relationship coach, Sarah Schewitz, founder of Couples Learn. Part of the news she's ever seen me. People are strange. The only reason people tell you that there's some exceptionally high chance you'll get your ex back is because it makes the purchase of the get-your-ex-back course that they're probably selling 10x more enticing. 5 years broke up with me back in the summer. That has given me hope for the love of my life to eventually come back. They’ll never truly come back because the person we truly miss died when they broke our hearts. I wanted her back, in a sense still do but coming to terms that it most likely won’t happen. First relationship: Ex came back several times, tried to be friends after, but it didn’t work out Second relationship: Ex tried to come back after a month (used me for sex, left and then said he didn’t mean it) 6 months later again, said he regretted his choices but I never met him again after the first time. i did let him have his space and time to focus on himself, and did my own too. NC was never meant to get them back. And some don’t. I made very slow, little but steady progress, and now here they are, as if nothing ever happened. Each time after our relationship ended, I did no contact and he ended up coming back saying he missed me so much and couldn't imagine life without me. u need to be okay with being alone, and have happiness within urself for that relationship to work a second time around. But even when we were dating, I knew that if we parted ways I would never hear from him again. After the final time my ex broke up with me, we remained in contact for a bit. It will never come back. Hey guys, i need help understanding how i can get my bpd ex back or whether she's ever coming back. He told me that he barely had any alone time with himself. They may or may not come back but by keeping hope you are holding onto a past and expecting a result in future. After about 3 months of no contact, they liked an IG story, then a few weeks later DM responded to another IG story, it felt great of course, I was polite and friendly and tried to keep the conversation going, only to get ghosted again. Idk what’s real or not. Otherwise, it's so unlikely I wouldn't count on it. These questions get asked everyday and there is only one correct answer: every person is different. If the man improves himself and shows on social media that he is having a great time, she is more likely to make a comeback. Some people break up and never look back. That is the decision I had made a long time ago and I still hold it. Your ex keeps contacting you even though you’ve told them to stop. g. But she started doing the same thing before and I wasn’t going to go through the heartache again. He has to be right 100% of the time. At that point I absolutely knew I need to move on. It’s a fact. 99% she is never coming back. the thing i wanted to say to my ex is never ever come back to me, even if I'm crying and begging for you . In my experience the guy dumpers DO almost always try to "come back" eventually but it's usually always just because they currently aren't getting laid and are looking for a booty call/casual sex and think hitting up their ex girlfriends is worth a shot. Your Ex Told You To Move On. You don’t know what will happen. I voiced my concerns to my ex who reassured me “He’s like a brother to me” “I’ve known him for 3 years and he’s never even tried anything with me” I’m not going to control who my ex can or cannot be friends with. I learned from my mistakes, and I ended up meeting the love of my life on this site of all places. Now if you are NC and your ex is in this forum as well unbeknownst to you; Then never, right? These are my 5 cents; Dont count on them coming back, this is no jedi mindtricks ;) If you want your ex Back and make it work, let it be like a couple of weeks. I think it will only stop when you fall in love again. Either way, process your grief and try your best to get over it. I treated him so well and all I ended up getting was heartbroken and blocked out of his life (literally) I didn't deserve that. I ignored it first because 1. In general, dumpers come back if the break up is explosive or the relationship is on and off. Once I fully came to terms with the situation I ended up meeting a new girl. I want to be loved in a healthy way, a way that allows me to grow and enjoy my life along the way. It’s been hard. The more I started talking to this new girl the more I more forgot about my ex until eventually I didn’t even care about her at all. Felt so good at the end of it, and he is still trying as I just got a friend request from him today. All 3 of my ex gfs ended up cycling back at one point one way or another two of them wanted to get back together one of them we just ended up being friends we still chit chat here and there but for this to happen you just have to You’re waiting for a outcome that isn’t predetermined. I think we both were pretty much aligned till the last 2 months. But if I have no hope and they come back then well and good. Told me she still has all of my photos in her phone and that she needs me. It gave me the ability to see from an outside perspective. . But it seems that they never come back until you’ve moved on and don’t want them anymore. At the time I was pretty devastated and made every mistake in the book. Dealing with an emotionally abusive ex prior to her made me feel a bit trapped by the thought of being with anyone but my previous ex. My ex was actually sort of trying to come back because she kept trying to talk to me at work or she’d approach me in the gym to flirt with me. But the basic fundamental to an ex is that they are an ex for a reason and to never go back to them. We were also on and off again for a while so I got attached to him evey time he came back. Yes she is (currently we just passed 4 months of dating) I left her because of my clouded emotions. Why did my ex never come back to me? We broke up 1. I've finally crossed into the period of "acceptance" after 101 days of NC, but I still wonder why I haven't heard from my ex. Aka minimal effort. By seeing the way he eyed my ex, the remarks he made. Don't try and use NC to get them back. 5 years neglecting my ex in a relationship and I told her, if I mature and level up completely, maybe we see where it goes in a year after you finish college? She said, early on in the breakup, "I never thought the chance of us getting back together would be 0, but now I can say it is. My advice is to honestly move forward and act like she’s never coming back. Literally all my ex's have eventually tried to hit me up later trying to be "Friends with benefits" or have a one night stand but rarely have any of them Unfortunately man there’s no way to tell :/ with my ex gf and I we been broken up for 3 months. As other have mentioned, erase the whimsical idea of your Ex coming back, as that only happens rarely. 4. ” Thank you for sharing this. 17 votes, 17 comments. The what if will drag out your grieving process. let And yes, my ex isn't coming back as my partner and I don't want him to come back as my partner. This ex though the discard seems final. Because it's refecting me exactly as I am. He sent her a meme related to sex and at that moment, I realized that he is never coming back. I was devastated and it dragged out where we got back together a few times again then broke up again. We fought because he didn't want to spend the lockdown at my place and I was heartbroken that my lover does not want to be with me in the middle of a pandemic crisis. But, for the most part, if you’re getting a string of quick and enthusiastic responses from your ex, it’s a sign they will come back. Bruh i got dumped cause im In the middle of a move rn currently have a heart condition and i couldn’t work and when i proceeded to tel her what i wanted to do in life for my future she decided she didnt wanna be with me…. We need to stop googling "when does my ex come back", "do long term relationships reconcile", "stages of the dumper", "no contact success stories". Do yourself a favour and let them go (Speaking from experience). They come back (no baggage), You are healed = You have a slim chance of wanting them back (usually if you were at fault) They come back (baggage), You aren't healed = Cycle repeats They come back (baggage), You are healed = You don't take them back (unless you were at fault, then you may) My ex never tried to come back. It depends on how the relationship ended, how much time has passed, how the relationship was overall, and a bunch of other factors that you simply can not attribute to one specific gender. That can complicate things a lot. The whole break up we stayed in contact for 6 months and we hung out so many I'm back with my ex after 5 years apart. Not "always" but MOST do come back. Also my ex said to my best friend that he “dislikes” me. It's very rare. She light hoovered to get an item from my storage unit and blocked me after I didn’t answer her within the first three days of getting her text. She’s now perma blocked on everything so I don’t know if she’s attempted to come back but I hope for her sake that she’s happy. But I obviously have a lot of growing to do therapy. My ex will never come back. To an almost sadist level. In my experience they always come back or break no contact. Or the need an ego boost. Seriously, an ex coming back is just something that can or might happen. Speaking from a man's point of view, I believe an ex girlfriend coming back around really depends on a few key points: -some level of emotional bonding was established -chemistry My ex said that he would probably never want to marry me either. I’m just a lil (lot) sad he didn’t trust me enough to be honest. If they do come back,then maybe you’ll be in a place to say “no, thanks”. He still cares about me and keeps the things I gave him , he refuses to give them back . I’m not gonna lie deep down there’s always a thought wanting them to come back, but I think of it like this. So, instead of sitting around and pondering on it, work on yourself and learn to grow. Although my ex- tried to use her narcissism in many different ways in many different forms, she was so comically bad at it that my oldest 2 and me would constantly talk about these really retarded and laughable efforts. didnt expect him coming back at all haha we’re still together now! and we’ve become better and the happiest! the therapist I've been seeing originally told me "I don't like to label people but I do think he has narcissistic tendencies". Or check it out in the app stores 10 Definitive Signs Your Ex Is Never (Ever) Coming Back maxjancar Although like someone else said, dismissives don’t normally come back after they make a decision. That man will never come back, even if he changes his mind. Some folks respect boundaries and also have pride which will prevent them reaching out. I had dreams of them coming back. In my experience as the dumpee, all of my exes have come back around at some point, one way or another. this seriously changed everything. It's one good reason to a million bad ones that they Anyways he then says “ we will never get back together please move on, I have moved on”. I looked at my ex's Twitter today (I know, I shouldn't have done that) and he is still with his best friend who he left me for. I feel the exact same way as you OP. He genuinely wanted to come back and now he said he will never message me!! Help!! Many suggested that my ex is breadcrumbing at me and that I should block him and call him out for that. A week ago she ended up meeting a guy she’s decided she’s really into so now she has chosen to start dating him. My current one sent me a photo and tried to get my attention with a fire reaction on a picture of me on IG. This is an excellent series of points, and it helps me to reframe how my ex might see the breakup. Funny thing about a break up is that you would want nothing but the person that left you during the earlier moments of the BU. The times an ex came back into my life (or I was the ex that came back into someone else's life), it was generally for one of three reasons: the breakup lacked closure or there was a sense of 'unfinished business' (either on one or both sides), enough time had passed that we wanted to be friends, or one party had done some self reflection and I only made it a few months and then I was back on a dating app and sleeping with a woman who is very nice. Yes, but not for getting an ex back, by removing YOU from a painful almost no-win situation if you start protesting the breakup, beg, plead, and hold onto false hope day after day the avoidant ex will return. My ex blocked me and has ghosted me for months now, if he never comes back, did I lose? I see it happen to lots of people where their exes hit them up again, ask to talk, see what they’re doing. Haha, trust me. Prediction - Almost all of my exes have come back one way or another, either with reconciliation, trying to get back, reaching out to see how I'm doing, except for three; one is in Japan chasing her dreams and most likely married by now as she's a very stunning, intelligent, kind, and outgoing woman, the other one ended due to me being toxic unfortunately and manipulative, and the last one is I never thought my ex would come back not only did he come back but he apologized for everything and told me he missed me and realized he wants me and only me he said all the doubts he ever had were gone. After 1 week of cool off as I call it and they don’t come back you start to move on, you just believe they are gone and life will move on so much faster and better Never look at their socials never reach out. Moving on from an ex is never easy, especially if you really cared about them and devoted most of your time to being with them. And if you truly want to get back with your ex, you have to first fix what led to the breakup. Translation: they’re panicking. I cried so many tears trying to ingrain in my chest the fact that they were never, EVER coming back. If they don't, then don't worry about it. My boyfriend of 2. Its well over 3 and a half years later. Moving on is the best medicine. Yes, it is a glaring sign that your ex will come back, but proceed with Well the way your question is formulated; I guess you want the ex to come back. I never knew my behavior was getting bad he couldn’t open up he just would check out. Bc like a lot of people have said, sometimes they come back because they miss the relationship but don't actually want to change. There are times I feel my ex will come back and I’ve come to realize it’s not good for me. She already had a boyfriend but she still decided to try contact me because she couldn't move on and I felt bad (my first big mistake) so I talked to her for little, tried to provide closure since I was the dumper that time. I instantly become leary of him. She broke my heart when we initially split- I never wanted the relationship to end. they both agreed to go no contact and never speak again since they weren't good for each other for a . The thing is, all the anxiety of the weeks previous to the breakup is back too. Surprisingly, I’m so thankful that I saw it. Highly likely your ex is coming back because they got ghosted by your replacement. There truly is no knowing and relationships are far too complex to drape gender generalisations over imo. You must let the old relationship die to move on. im working on myself and he agreed he would try working on himself but were not working on ourselves for each other. My sadness is that she is probably gone, and even if she came back I know I should not be with her. I'd recommend doing some self involvement/seeing a therapist and moving on with your life. If your ex keeps telling you to move on with your life, I’d say that’s a pretty BIG sign that they’re not coming back. Nope. not my story, my break up is very recent and i've written about it in other comments, but around two years ago,a friend who's two years younger than me broke up with her ex after feeling severely neglected, ignored among a few other things. I almost ended up back with my ex actually, but I'm so glad I didn't. So I finally started to let go of the thought of her coming back. That way if you guys were friends, it’ll lessen the sometimes, when the feeling of loss sets in properly. I went NC with them straight away. Nope! Sucks brother I know!! I’ve reconnected with an ex twice in my life. The first time he came back, we were together for over a year then he left and tried to move to Arizona, only to messaged me after he got there because he said he missed me, blah blah blah. Focus on yourself and know what your priorities are. Jan 3, 2025 路 These are the 20 surest signs that your ex will never come back, and also why that’s probably not a bad thing for either of you. One chance encounter and we fell "in love" all over again. Unfortunately that person before will never come back. I took his words at face value this time when he said dating me was a waste and he is unhappy dating me. Long story short, I spent the last 2. It was my closure in a way. At one point she said “I don’t want to send you the wrong message” . Sure it will hurt and suck for a while but eventually you'll come out a better person. Actually every man I have broken up with I really processed the decision before-hand and do it when the time is right and nothing will change my mind. Coming to terms with the fact that they really are never coming back. However, it is true, when they see the results they come back. My ex has essentially dumped me three times. All the while he never wanted to get back together but would blow up my phone when I said I wanted to quit being a fuck buddy. Jun 20, 2024 路 Knowing my other avoidant ex, only just started therapy because he's finally tired of feeling alone / being left, I'm happy for him but told him, he can never come back in my life as he's too damaging. He couldn’t balance school, friends and me. She’d ask me to hang out with her and mutual friends to which I declined politely. Thanks for the reply I really appreciate it. Fact is exes do come back, even the person who wanted the break up rather they were the chick or dude. Just my anecdotal experience. After 1 year that she hasn’t reached out to reconcile, and now that she is dating and openly speaking about flirting on social media, I realize that she is not going to reach out. He said: She's not gonna come back right away, she might never come back at all, but if she does come back you want her to see the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. My ex made the decision after thinking for 2 months +. That also will fall into the category of "don't come back". Some people want to come back but never reach out because they would have to admit they made a mistake and their pride won’t let them. But the best thing to do is stop waiting for them , from my view they will never be the same and you will become an option for him. Work harder than I ever have at anything in my life. My Avoidant Ex Is Coming Back Background: My ex and I broke up in the middle of the lockdown because of a fight: I am an anxious style, he is avoidant. We just gotta focus on ourselves, we gotta fix what happened in the relationship and how to make it better for the next one. I was not okay. I don’t. Which I think would be the sweetest revenge. I was with the person that I thought would be my forever and told her hell no. I even had back surgery during this time and I'm 20. I was the same person. Romantic relationships boils down to science and psychology. She went through great length to make sure I never talk to her again. Not wanting to hangout. The first one cheated on me again lol, and the second one ended in the same way as it did the first time. I felt it was unfair to stay with her having mixed emotions for both her and my ex. As someone who spent months scrolling through this forum searching for positive reconciliation stories, subscribed to Matthew Hussey's mailing list, even started to believe the tarot readings on my TikTok fyp telling me that my ex was just 'on the wrong path', believe me when I say that I couldn't have wanted him back more. Mate just focus on yourself and find a better partner. but hes stated he never wanted to get back together but peoples feelings can change and once we heal and fix ourselves and are away from each other, you never know what can happen. He broke up with me because he told me that it’s was too much for him. I overpursued, stalked, asked to hang out, etc. We had a long distance relationship. I guess he just wanted to make sure to communicate that to me indirectly. Obviously everyone is different and this is by no means a rule. Yes, I have had my ex come back to me 3 times… we’ve broken up 4 times now. The one thing I tell people is that when a relationship ends it doesn't mean the love ends. Most of my ex's when I was still in my youth have reached out. I’ve read so many times not to try again. Some women come back, some men come back. As for keeping hope for reconciliation. Let’s jump right in: 1) They told you to move on. After three days my husband called and told me he is coming back home to me and the kids. I had other relationships along the way but I always felt a little lost. My ex was my first love and he never knew that he was until I told him last week when he messaged me . So please dont have any hope in the idea that they are coming back, you Coming up on almost a year since the BU, a few months of solid NC after trying NC on and off. Now, taking accountability of myself with the person I am now, neither time when I took them back had I changed or grown. And sometimes it's impossible to get back to it being the same even if they want to. I was engaged and in a few serious relationships and would still come back to some of my exes. ” The only other time I wouldn’t go back is if the other person had been given multiple chances and still hadn’t changed their ways, e. 128K subscribers in the ExNoContact community. I never went back. my first ever partner came back with me after 9months of no contact and seeing each other… we’ve been together for 4 years. After my avoidant ex left me after 3 years together, he took 5 months of silence which he was fighting with guilt and shame. You are completely right that he might not want a relationship. I am only letting him come back this one time. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Secondly when exes come back unless they come back begging MAX 2 days after the breakup it's only to test if you'll be there for them together and suck out the last drops of validation from you. No one has the true answer, not even your ex. I’m not sure how I will proceed but I’m sure there’s someone on this sub rn thinking about how badly they want their ex back, or wishing that they didn’t take their ex back so here’s what I have to say on the subject. 1. I will never stoop to his level, and instead I will sit comfortably in my home with my little family and think to myself, "look at me grow". I know. it is true that the only possibility of u and ur ex getting back together is if u work on urself. were working on ourselves for us. You might say you miss them, you might say you are sad they are gone but you'll never say you still have hopes that your ex is coming back. On the other hand almost every guy that has broken up with me has come back weeks/months later and I never take them back because I have healed and moved on. Your ex probably has pride in not ever reaching out to you. Do you want a friendship with them? Maybe you can shoot them a text and ask if they will like to be friends and nothing more. I responded and said “I’ve always known we will never get back together”. It seems like men are much more likely to come back than women. I'm still hurt over what she did to me but I think I've mostly healed and I still have a lot of trust issues with my new gf but she is very understanding of my issues. Regardless of what they said to soften the blow, and many people don't want to accept it. Here's the uncomfortable reality, though: getting an ex back rarely works out, and keeping them after getting them back, even less so. I begged so hard. Anyways, tarot never told my future. My true avoidant ex of 7 months will not likely come back or message me and thats absolutely fine. Needless to say it was a while till I finally embraced reality and let go. Yes. She's come out as gay, so she ain't coming back, that's for fucking sure, at least now I know that she wasn't ever telling the truth about loving me… Hey man! Thanks for responding! I'm happy so say that I have a new girlfriend now and we have been together almost five months now! I've moved on from my ex and I dont want her back. My second ex-partner had come back around a month and a half after we broke up, very unstable, sadly. I agree. We rekindled for a second and then he disappeared. They might not even be considering it at this very moment. 5 months later, she broke no contact. I would actually. It just freed me. He will keep coming back until he finds someone better than you ( in his view) . Again it’s a long story she told different people different things about why she broke up with me. My ex- tried to brainwash all 3 of ours, many times, in many different ways. In my experience, all of men I ever dated have tried to come back into my life, regardless of how the relationship ended (that is, I've had both dumpers and dumpees try to contact me days, months, years later. He also said he misses when I would respond back to him immediately. : to my surprise yes. It HURT. Completely agree with everything that you're saying. so if u take this route and they end up coming back u need to be healed and stronger than u were before. bwxcsujhavbymtpjwlidjqbmcxbbgrwqbnzduaxxhdzvnairyzbghephhcwfebqzajduh