Metasploit ldap enumeration example. Metasploit Framework on GitHub .


Metasploit ldap enumeration example Exploitation Example: Feb 18, 2024 · LDAP is a standard protocol designed to maintain and access "directory services" within a network. Metasploit kerberos_enumusers User Enumeration. Enumeration is a critical phase in the process of information gathering and vulnerability assessment in the field of cybersecurity. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an internet protocol that works on TCP/IP, used to access information from directories. This is an example of how to write a Python module for Metasploit Framework that uses a Python metasploit library to communicate with framework via JSON-RPC over stdin/stdout. Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. 4. com Seclists. out| grep -i samaccountname --snip--sAMAccountName: test sAMAccountName: sebastien sAMAccountName: santi sAMAccountName: lucinda sAMAccountName: andy sAMAccountName: mark--snip--cat ldap. SNMP:. 10. msf4/ldap_queries_default. View Metasploit Framework Documentation. View Metasploit Framework Documentation Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. Metasploit post modules replace old Meterpreter scripts, which are no longer maintained or accepted by the framework team. Leveraging the abilities of the two allows an attacker to expedite information gathering following compromise. x -Pn -sV PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 636/tcp open ssl/ldap (Anonymous bind OK) Example Hashes. Execution View Metasploit Framework Documentation Jul 15, 2022 · This module allows users to query an LDAP server using either a custom LDAP query, or a set of LDAP queries under a specific category. Ldap-rootdse NSE Script Example XML Output This module allows users to query an LDAP server using either a custom LDAP query, or a set of LDAP queries under a specific category. Nov 16, 2022 · Tools Used For LDAP Enumeration: Nmap; enum4linux; windapsearch; ldapsearch; Jxplorer; LDAP Enumeration using Nmap: By using Nmap’s LDAP-search NSE script we can scan for the LDAP service, and then we can try other arguments for this script like LDAP. This module can read, write, update, and delete AD CS certificate templates from a Active Directory Domain Controller. Originally written in C by Matt “skape” Miller, dozens of contributors have provided additional code, including implementations in PHP, Python, and Java. Sep 25, 2015 · In the third installment of our “Module of the Month” series we examine enum_ad_computers, a post-exploitation module that combines the flexibility of LDAP queries in an Active Directory domain with the power of metasploit. It utilises the different responses returned by the service to identify users that exist within the target domain. searchattrib, also you can use the LDAP-brute script, and when you don’t have any valid Explore the latest ethical hacking tools and techniques in Kali Linux 2019 to perform penetration testing from scratch Key Features Get up and running with Kali Linux 2019. This CrackMapExec cheat sheet includes everything you need to get started using this powerful penetration testing tool used by penetration testers, red teamers, and cyber security professionals to test their systems against cyber attacks. The following output shows Metasploit being re-launched with the appropriate listeners, and the existing Meterpreter instance establishing a session automatically: No credentials, see what can be pulled. Python 2. py. python_execute. An RPC service is a collection of message types and remote methods that provide a structured way for external applications to interact with web applications. View Metasploit Framework Documentation Get-NetDomain # DC info Get-NetDomainController # DC Info Get-NetDomainPolicy # Domain Policy Get-NetDomainPolicy. In this example, let’s create a new stub that will printf() “Hello World”. h . For example, your module probably needs to do browser detection, because it wouldn’t make any sense to allow Chrome to receive an IE exploit, would it? Each Metasploit module also has advanced options, which can often be useful for fine-tuning modules, in particular setting connection timeouts values can be useful: 4. To improve the Metasploit development experience, we have a few examples to demonstrate common scenarios that require you to use multiple mixins to achieve exploitation. Basic git commands. For this example, we perform system enumeration using three different Impacket tools: GetArch. #LDAP ENUMERATION. In Metasploit, we can create an Oct 10, 2010 · Perform LDAP enumeration on the target network and find out how many user accounts are associated with the domain. AD CS Certificate Template Exploitation. LDAP uses DNS (Domain Name System) for quick lookups and fast resolution of queries. You may eventually setup an intentionally insecure OpenLDAP server in docker. It allows you to run the post module against that specific session: FULL EXAMPLE. These are just a few of the tools and techniques that you can use for user enumeration in a Windows environment. snmp_enum module in Metasploit allows enumeration of any devices with SNMP protocol support. 0 Release Notes; Metasploit Framework 6. Exploitation Example: Aug 10, 2016 · Enumerate all logged on users This module will enumerate current and recently logged on Windows users. These modules can either run through a compromised docker container, or external to the cluster if the required APIs are accessible: Module Ranking:. The forged golden ticket is actually a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) - which can be used to request arbitrary Service tickets. 72 on port 9093 we could execute portfwd add -R -l 4444 -L 172. The ldap-search script queries the root DSE for the namingContexts and/or defaultNamingContexts, which it sets as base if no base object was specified Credit goes out to Martin Swende who provided me with the initial code that got me started writing this. Oct 17, 2024 · Here’s an example of how to use the TCP mixin in an exploit. Once you hit “Enter,” your workspace will be changed from the default Scenarios Forge Golden ticket. Creating backdoors for future access, Which of the following tools can be used for SNMP enumeration? Dec 17, 2024 · Tools for LDAP Enumeration. To start Metasploit and then grab a full list of SMB “scanner” modules, we can run the following commands: msfconsole -q search scanner/smb. May 28, 2021 · Learn about Active Directory penetration testing enumeration and exploitation using tools like Impacket, Kerbrute, and CrackMapExec. wmiexec. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. Contribute to rapid7/metasploit-framework development by creating an account on GitHub. The easiest way to decrypt these opaque blobs is to generate a Keytab file with Metasploit using the secretsdump scenario above or similar. maxobjects=-1. The best way to explain how to use a command stager is probably by demonstrating it. 73 -p 9093 as shown below, which would then cause the machine who have a session on to start listening on port 9093 for incoming connections. Mar 25, 2021 · To create one use the “-a” option and specify the name of your new workspace. The module we want to use for this example is smb_version; however, as we can see above, there are a lot of other great ones available. A reference in a Metasploit module is a source of information related to the module. The first is by using the "run" command at the Meterpreter prompt. send_request_cgi - You use this to send a more CGI-compatible HTTP request. Roadmap. 2017 Roadmap; 2017 Roadmap Review; Metasploit Breaking Changes; Metasploit Data Service; Metasploit Framework 5. 1 ENUMERATION OVERVIEW Enumeration Concepts Enumeration Tools and Techniques The systematic process of querying a target's AI Chat with PDF WARNING: The nature of using ngrok is to send traffic through a third party. LDAP Filters for Users Jul 12, 2022 · Before continuing reading, read about the LDAP in general. Nov 8, 2023 · Metasploit has many great modules for SMB enumeration. Nmap. org Insecure. base=’”cn=users,dc=CEHORG,dc=com”’ 10. The below OpenLDAP server does Kubernetes Workflows. The ldap-search Nmap script can be used to extract information from LDAP. Wrap Up. 104 you’ll see that port 445 is open, port 445 is a traditional Microsoft networking port. The Description field should explain what the module does, things to watch out for, specific requirements, the more the better. Top 20 Microsoft Azure Vulnerabilities and Misconfigurations; CMS Vulnerability Scanners for WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Moodle, Typo3. This post focuses on initial external enumeration and exploitation; from the perspective of having access to the AD network but have no account credentials and little information about the internal network. txt list cat ldap. ngrok and the server which it utilizes are not affiliated with the Metasploit project. Detailed information about how to use the auxiliary/gather/enum_dns metasploit module (DNS Record Scanner and Enumerator) with examples and msfconsole usage snippets. Important This may need to be set to your tun0 IP address or similar, if you are connecting to your target over a VPN Feb 11, 2022 · It demonstrates how to use Metasploit modules for scanning, enumeration, and exploitation on a vulnerable MySQL database hosted on a machine known as Metasploitable 2. Authenticated Bind Enumeration. Ex: (msf5 > workspace -a NetworkEnum). Attackers have an array of tools at their disposal for LDAP enumeration. The other scenario is if you have a kirbi file, for example tools such as mimikatz will give you tickets in the kirbi format, and you need a ccache for use with another tool such as Metasploit and Impacket. From the Meterpreter prompt. Starting in Metasploit 6. Registry administrations may give any coordinated arrangement of records, regularly in a hierarchical and sensible structure, for example, a corporate email index. Figure 7 also shows examples of queries each tool can execute: Figure 7. 129. How to use the ldap-rootdse NSE script: examples, script-args, and references. Adding and reviewing module documentation is a great way to contribute to the Metasploit Framework. X. py starts a shell as the provided user, which may be stealthier than psexec. md, or take a look at any of the KBs that are already available. getArch. May 19, 2022 · These options will be loaded from the ldap_queries_default. info. Code Example Creating a new stub. py will start a shell as SYSTEM. Create a file example. Your stub should be written as a class under the CodeFactory namespace, and make sure to inherit the Base class. out| grep -i samaccountname | awk '{print $2}' #use this to just get the usernames to make your user. Before you write any module documentation, you should take a look at the sample template, module_doc_template. Setting Module Options; Upgrading Shells to Meterpreter Tools for LDAP Enumeration: LDAP search: A command-line tool that can be used to query and enumerate LDAP servers for users, groups, and organizational units. For example we can impersonate Domain Administrator and have complete access. JXplorer: A graphical LDAP browser and editor for viewing and interacting with LDAP directories. LDAP enumeration tools and example queries. enum_ad_computers is a perfect way to combine those queries with the tried-and-true capabilities of metasploit. The LDAP protocol is used to access an active directory. The RemoteTcp mixin helps set up a remote TCP connection and exploit services on a target machine. Jul 23, 2016 · Open Kali terminal type nmap -sV 192. domain=’<domain fqdn>’” NetBIOS and LLMNR poisoning: You might be very lucky to sniff any NT/NTLM hashes with Responder. May 17, 2024 · In addition to the new LDAP authentication improvements, Metasploit added the latest session type; LDAP sessions this week. exe: A Microsoft tool that can be used to interact with LDAP directories for enumeration. Currently, the module allows arbitrary queries to be performed, with Jun 2, 2021 · Avoid creating LDAP search filters by concatenating strings, if the string contains a user input. digby sends. The following command will assume LDAP is running on the default port of 389: nmap -vv --script=ldap-search <IP Address> -p 389 --script-args ldap. Dec 10, 2024 · CrackMapExec is widely used, incredibly versatile, and a great addition to your hacking arsenal. A naming example: “Multi Gather RndFTP Credential Enumeration”. Metasploit Framework on GitHub . Note: Above does not outline the full potential list of metadata options. org Npcap. We’re not here to lecture you about how awesome git is; we know it has a learning curve, and it’s not surprising to find new users making For example, the previous query to find users whose name starts with Jo would need to be changed to: (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(cn=Jo*)) LDAP Query Examples for Active Directory. The python_execute command is the simplest of all commands that come with the extension, and provides the means to run single-shot lines of Python code, much in the same way that the normal Python interpreter functions from the command-line when using the -c switch. Network Scanning - Discovering systems on the network (can be hosts, switches, servers, routers, firewalls and so on) and looking at what ports are open as well as applications/services and their respective versions that may be running. ldif: nano example. yaml file located in the MSF configuration directory, located by default at ~/. Each of these commands is discussed in detail below. Tested in the wild. It covers essential topics such as common AD ports and services, various tools and techniques for exploitation, and methods for post-compromise attacks. If your request contains a query string (or POST data), then you should use this. For example: hello. LDAP is a protocol for querying any given directory service, such as Active Directory, about anything: users, groups, and the structure of an organization. py or wmiexec. org Sectools. Nov 18, 2020 · + LDAP Enumeration-LDAP Admin Tool or JXplorer: is a cross-platform LDAP browser and editor can be used to search, read and edit any standard LDAP directory, can be used on Linux, Windows, and many different OS. LDAP typically listens on port 389, and port 636 for secure LDAP. For example, in msfconsole, you can set the ConsoleLogging option in order to log all the console input/output - something that’s kind of handy for documentation purposes during a pentest. ldapdomaindump First some quick notes on enumeration before we dive into exploitation. On this page. {system access} # Specific Policy By Name Get-NetUser # User Details Get-UserProperty #user property names Get-UserProperty -Properties propertyname #specific property Get-NetComputer -FullData Get-NetGroup # Get Group Names Get-NetGroupMember -GroupName "Domain Admin" # Get Group The Active Directory is the focal point for Attackers. It is also able to identify whether user accounts are Nov 27, 2023 · System Enumeration. EXE Example; DLL Example; Printf() Custom Headers; Code Randomization. SNMP View Metasploit Framework Documentation. For example des_password, the password for the hash Of course, when you write a Metasploit browser exploit there’s a lot more you need to think about. Metasploit has modules for both exploitation and enumeration of a Kubernetes cluster. Measuring Metasploit Performance; Msftidy; Payload Testing; Style Tips; Using Rubocop; Writing Module Documentation. Currently supported module types:. The command will dump all all objects held within LDAP's directory structure. Figure 7 depicts some of these key tools. Metasploit Interface and Its Modules Metasploit is the most commonly used pentesting tool that comes pre-installed in Kali Linux. Exploit modules will generally at a minimum require the following options to be set: RHOST - The remote target host address; LHOST - The listen address. out| grep -i memberof --snip-- memberOf: CN=Guests,CN=Builtin,DC=htb,DC How to use the ldap-search NSE script: examples, script-args, and references. Writing Python Modules for Metasploit. Nmap -p 389 –script ldap-brute –script-args ldap. Add: n: dc=example,dc=com objectClass: top objectClass: domain dc For example to listen on port 9093 on a target session and have it forward all traffic to the Metasploit machine at 172. normal: The exploit is otherwise reliable, but depends on a specific version and can't (or doesn't) reliably autodetect. This module uses an LDAP connection to dump data from LDAP server using an anonymous or authenticated bind. 7 is no longer used for external modules. If a computer account is configured for unconstrained delegation, and an attacker has administrative access to it then the attacker can leverage it to compromise the Active Directory domain. Metasploit Framework. The bug is that you can inject additional system commands in the system call for ping: Feb 4, 2018 · Module Ranking:. Exploiting vulnerabilities in the system D. Users can also specify a JSON or YAML file containing custom queries to be executed using the RUN_QUERY_FILE actio ⚡︎ This chapter has practical labs for Scanning Networks (1) and Enumeration (2). For a You have a kirbi file. LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an Internet protocol for accessing distributed directory services over a network. It supports hardware, software, and network information. Aug 5, 2024 · An example would be the built-in administrator account, with an RID of 500, or 0x1F4 in hexadecimal. 0 Release Notes; Metasploit Framework Wish List. Pentesting; Active Directory Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. py Connecting with the MSFRPC Login Utility. The following examples shows how to run the module and what a successful result looks like. It involves actively probing a target system or network to gather specific and detailed information about the system, its resources, and its configuration. com Detailed information about how to use the auxiliary/server/ldap metasploit module (Native LDAP Server (Example)) with examples and msfconsole usage snippets. When I was doing OSCP back in 2018, I wrote myself an SMB enumeration checklist. LDAP Enumeration Tools. - Windapsearch is a Python script to help enumerate users, groups, and computers from a Windows domain through LDAP queries + NTP A datastore option is a type of variable that can be set by the user, allowing various components of Metasploit to be more configurable during use. Let’s look at some useful examples of LDAP queries commonly used by AD admins. Users can also specify a JSON or YAML file containing custom queries to be executed using the RUN_QUERY_FILE action. SNMP enumeration is the process of enumerating the users accounts and devices on a SNMP enabled computer. This guide focuses on Post modules for gathering additional information from a host after a Metasploit session has opened. Ethical hackers use LDAP Enumeration Techniques to map out a target’s directory structure. The msfrpc login utility enables you to connect to the RPC server through msfrpcd. Metasploit v6. We know that the target device runs port 80 (HTTP), so, let’s find what version it runs. Dec 13, 2018 · ­Nmap — script dns-srv-enum –script-args “dns-srv-enum. Using Metasploit for SMTP Enumeration: LDAP enumeration is a From here, Meterpreter continues to try to re-establish connectivity with Metasploit on this transport a per the transport timeout settings. HTTP Workflows. When possible the username is separated by an underscore, and anything after it is the password. Oct 17, 2024 · Restart the LDAP service: sudo systemctl restart slapd Step 3: Add LDAP Entries. For example, in the Java UnboundID LDAP SDK, use this code to concatenate two strings provided by the user using an AND operator: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol used to access and manage directory information services over an IP network. psexec. hashcat. 2 Gain comprehensive insights into security concepts such as social engineering, wireless network exploitation, and web application attacks Learn to use Linux commands in the way ethical hackers do to gain control of your Apr 26, 2024 · View CEH-Module-4. Metasploit’s post gather modules are useful after a Metasploit session has opened. Sep 25, 2015 · Look over the range of possible LDAP queries and consider how they can elicit the information necessary to plan and execute the next stages of an attack. If this action is specified, then QUERY_FILE Nov 15, 2024 · LDAP Enumeration. Here we have a command injection vulnerability in example PHP code, something silly you actually might see in enterprise-level software. More information about ranking can be found here. 5 and newer. Pentesting; Active Directory; Kerberos Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. Oct 6, 2019 · Today we are going to be attacking the remote service LDAP. . This module allows users to query an LDAP server using either a custom LDAP query, or a set of LDAP queries under a specific category. 204. Hashcat. metasploit. LDAP enumeration is a technique used to enumerat The RPC API enables you to programmatically drive the Metasploit Framework and commercial products using HTTP-based remote procedure call (RPC) services. For remote access, we can use psexec. Use of ngrok effectively sends traffic through an untrusted third party and should be done with extreme caution. * One of the common Attack Against Active Directory is by exploiting Missing Patches. remote_exploit; remote_exploit_cmd_stager Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. Oct 20, 2019 · For example, the bdllspawn is a very useful function if you want to execute a C/C++ (reflective) DLL in memory and still be able to provide arguments to the program. Today’s lesson: Send a HTTP request to attack the target machine, and use a HttpServer for payload delivery. I focused strictly on user enumeration for this post and didn’t cover password View Metasploit Framework Documentation. If you wish to learn about how this method works, check out Rex::Proto::Http::Client#request_cgi. LDAP servers with anonymous bind can be picked up by a simple Nmap scan using version detection. Contact Meterpreter is an advanced payload that has been part of Metasploit since 2004. Like this: There are two ways to execute this post module. Sep 16, 2022 · Example: later you can use EXPN, MAIL FROM, and RCPT TO after connecting to the target host. 25 (target machine) Perform an LDAP Search on the Domain Controller machine and find out the latest version of the LDAP protocol Find the IP address of the machine running SMTP Aug 26, 2024 · LDAP Enumeration: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is an Internet Protocol for getting to dispersed registry administrations. py, DumpNTLMInfo. Copy nmap-n-sV--script "ldap* and not brute" < I P >. In Windows Active Directory (AD) domains, LDAP plays a crucial role in storing and retrieving a vast amount of information, including user accounts, group memberships, computer accounts, and more. For LDAP enumeration, we can use windapsearch. 177 -u grace -p Inlanefreight01! -M groupmembership Aug 10, 2016 · Enumerate all logged on users This module will enumerate current and recently logged on Windows users. Metasploit::Framework::Compiler::Windows is a wrapper of Metasm specifically for compiling C code for the Windows platform. 7 Enumeration Countermeasures Enumeration Countermeasures. However, whilst the issuing CAs allow any authenticated user to enroll in this certificate, the certificate template permissions prevent anyone but Domain Administrators and Enterprise Admins from being able to enroll in this certificate template. Specifically, TCP port 445 runs Server Message Block(SMB) Sep 27, 2023 · The example below shows that the Grace user is a member of the SQL admins and Domain Users groups. $ sudo nmap x. Five years later, this is the updated version with newer tools and how I approach SMB today. msf > use post/windows/gather/enum_logged_on_users msf post The kerberos_enumusers module is used to enumerate valid Domain Users via Kerberos from a wholly unauthenticated perspective. The current configuration can be printed by running dns print: Copy cat ldap. JtR. LDAP search; Enum4linux; RPC Enumeration How to decode Base64 with Metasploit::Framework::Compiler The Metasploit C compiler has built-in support for Base64 encoding and decoding, which is implemented as base64. Code Example View Metasploit Framework Documentation. Tools we are going to use: PowerView; Powermad; Rubeus; First we need to enter the security context of the user/machine account that has the privileges over the object. The goal is to let the user understand what he’s using without the need to actually read the module’s source and figure things out. Instead, you should create the filter programmatically using the functionality provided by the LDAP library. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the primary objective of enumeration in ethical hacking? A. pdf from INFORMATIC 234 at University of Notre Dame. External Python modules should support Python versions 3. Table of contents. pentestmonkey. msf > use post/windows/gather/enum_logged_on_users msf post Mar 25, 2021 · Then type “run” to begin SSH enumeration. x. For testing Hashcat/JtR integration, this is a common list of commands to import example hashes of many different types. The only thing we need is an IP Address so lets ping our host to verify its up and running. 4, Metasploit uses an internal DNS resolution system that grants the user a high degree of control over the process of DNS queries. 4 added new protocol-based sessions that allow modules to be run against persistent connections for a variety of services including SMB, MSSQL and MySQL. sudo poetry run crackmapexec ldap 10. 20. yaml. Searching for specific attributes it collects user credentials. This module equips learners with the skills to use Metasploit for network enumeration, attacks, testing security vulnerabilities, evading detection, performing privilege escalation attacks, and performing post-exploitation. See full list on docs. ldif. The default community used is 'public'. First, add a new file under the code_factory with an arbitrary file name. Extracting user names, machine names, network resources, and other information from the system C. org Download Reference Guide Book Docs Zenmap GUI In the Movies An example exploit module is also available: example. Remove the SNMP agent or turn off the SNMP service; If shutting off SNMP is not an option, then change the default community string name Aug 31, 2015 · Overview This PR is for improvements to the ADSI module which effectively retrieves domain information using LDAP style queries. Metasploit’s DNS configuration is controlled by the dns command which has multiple subcommands. (ms17_010_eterna From the output above we can determine that the SubCA certificate template is vulnerable to several attacks. Unconstrained Delegation Exploitation. After generating a keytab file in the Wireshark GUI go to Edit -> Preferences -> Protocols -> KRB5 and modify the following options: NetBIOS session, negotiation and authentication. For Metasploit, read this documentation on reflective DLL injection or use this Donut module if you want to reflectively execute your tools developed in C/C++. It’s also worth noting that this list is for a Linux attack box. Metasploit no longer uses svn for source code management. This retrieves the NetBIOS name, user name, password and domain from the SMBName, SMBUser, SMBPass and SMBDomain options set by the operator, respectively. Mar 21, 2024 · SMB enumeration is a key part of a Windows assessment, and it can be tricky and finicky. py, and net. This post is based on the Hack The Box (HTB) Academy module on Using the Metasploit Framework. Ldp. 97. The actual negotiation and authentication are handled by smb_login. Let’s do another one. If you started the server using the msfrpcd tool, cd into your framework directory, if you’re a Framework user, or the metasploit/apps/pro/msf3 directory if you are a Pro user, and run the following command to connect to the server: Dec 15, 2024 · In this section, you will learn to: Perform enumeration with nmap Perform enumeration with Metasploit Key terms for this section include the following: Term Definition Enumeration Enumeration is a method of gathering information from a system to learn more about its configurations, software, and s This section helps you prepare for the #dns_get_a(domain, type = 'DNS A records', displayed = false) ⇒ Object Vulnerability Assessment Menu Toggle. 0. Instead, we use git, so knowing some tricks with git go a long way. Once we have found a valid set of credentials, the first thing that we should enumerate is information about each domain joined system. net; openwall. All results will be returned to the user in table, CSV or JSON format, depending on the value of the OUTPUT_FORMAT datastore option. rb. Scanning the network B. net. 168. Golden tickets can be used for persistence in an Active Directory environment. Default ports are 389 (LDAP), 636 (LDAPS), 3268 (LDAP connection to Global Catalog), 3269 (LDAP connection to Global Catalog over SSL). This can be a link to the vulnerability advisory, a news article, a blog post about a specific technique the module uses, a specific tweet, etc. The DNS command. This document provides a comprehensive guide to penetration testing within Active Directory environments. If it is a user account we can use Pass the Hash, RDP, PSCredentials etc. Happy hunting and happy Fall. fnpl rmls bqnuseh szaqkn twhu rfcj bjbti hgjid zmna thqv hty lej fqz upfye xskdhd