Menu icon not showing ionic 3 react. Completely open source, MIT licensed and built by Ionic.

Menu icon not showing ionic 3 react This icon click is working when the Input field is not active/selected but if I am in the middle of typing in the Input Field, the click is not working/recognized. This SO question is about Angular, but my question is about React. page. For me the issue was related to webpack loader: After updating my code of webpack module loader from : Feb 7, 2020 · By using the mode attribute on the Ionic menu element we can control the design for Android and IOS devices. but when i click back button in 3 or 4th screens it show back button instead of menu button. Mar 8, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand It works fine but I'm having a problem with the icons. Completely open source, MIT licensed and built by Ionic. Oct 4, 2020 · Menu does not work nested. html', styleUrls: ['. x. Ionicons are upgraded to 5. ttf Sep 28, 2020 · Bug Report Ionic version: [x] 5. Closed ionic 4 icon not found #17239. My app folder structure looks like this: src assets lis Just for reference, this is due to webpack trying to include the Marker Icon image file specified in Leaflet CSS as a static asset in different folder and possibly file renaming (e. html and src/app/app. please do suggest me Icons not showing in Ionic application. npm install react-native-vector-icons --save 2. Some of icons shows up by using this technique, most of them does not work (they don't show up) The Menu Button component contains an icon and automatically adds functionality to open a menu when clicked. 4, and ionicons 5. Is there a way to programmatically close the menu either before or after the route is pushed? As it is working right now, the menu stays up until the user clicks something on the page/component that we pushed to. Instead, find the icon name you want, remove the slashes, and import it directly: import { personAddOutline } from 'ionicons/icons' <IonIcon icon={personAddOutline} /> Apr 13, 2020 · I am new to Ionic. header-fullscreen]="sidebarCollapsed"> <ion-navbar> <button ion-button icon-only Mar 2, 2021 · Hello, I have a nuxt app using ionic framework where ion-icon does not display the svg img. It works fine but I'm having a problem with the icons. 2: 1405: July 19, 2021 At the moment Ionic icons are not displayed. Code samples I tried replicating it in a Plunkr, but there it works fine. I needed to add a similar kebab menu, top right drop down menu normally indicated as 3 vertical dots; with especially android like mechanism to show the buttons/items when there is room. I’m currently using the add icon but I have tried others and the FAB is always blank. Please any help is appreciated. Let’s create an ionic project from the menu template. The ion-label of the menu is wrongly aligned. Menu toggles are only visible when the selected menu is enabled. ionic v2 menu Sep 4, 2018 · in my ionic app after login page I have used a side menu. But it’s not showing up. 2 and the icon “start” / “menu toggle” in the navbar stopped showing up because of the following css (part of the ionic css), any idea why we added it in this version ? Thank you ! CSS . i am struggling to find how will i achieve this, i can Setting Breakpoints . Oct 25, 2019 · The ion-back-button does NOT show up to the right of the ion-menu-button. If the menu is disabled or it's being presented as a split pane, the menu toggle will be hidden. Let's say you have a "events" module and this route is defined on its own routing module: Feb 24, 2019 · Last question. Aug 25, 2021 · I have a hamburger icon (GoThreeBars) and a close icon (GoX), I want to create an onClick event on react js but my icon does not work. Imgur Link. But the drawer icon is not showing at all and the drawer is Mar 30, 2018 · I reverted an existing project (ionic 3) to lazy loading and now the navbar menuToggle icon is not showing up? Any ideas? The is just an white square where the icon should be (menu icon). When a toolbar is placed in a header it will appear fixed at the top of the content. I don't know why the icons can be seen on Snack but not on my phone. The menu element should be a sibling to the root content element. 5. The complete solution is here Code from state presentation @ Ioniconf, but stack overflow doesn't like when you just paste links so here is some of the code. x Current behavior: After Upgrading my project from Ionic 4 to Ionic 5 and Angular 10. tsx import {createAppContainer, createSwitchNavigator} from 'react-navigation'; import MainTabNavigator from '. Oct 23, 2020 · There is a simple way to implement that - moving the route you wish to hide the tab-bar to the tabs module, outside of tabs children routes. Like this. I can get the page to load like I want with a tabbed navigation and side menu but the content in the side menu won't show for some Oct 24, 2019 · Hi everyone, I really need some help with this ion-controller things in React. I'm importing them from expo/vector-icons import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons'; I then add my screens to my navigator const Jan 31, 2019 · I would like to display sidemenu icon on my Home page. 0-rc. My code is as follows: 1. Properties Toolbars can contain several different components including titles, buttons, icons, back buttons, menu buttons, searchbars, segments, progress bars, and more. 1. I tried following other solutions online, but none of them seemed to work. Include icon sets Ant Design Icons Feb 10, 2023 · the code is not showing an error: import { View, SafeAreaView, Image, TextInput, Button, Text, StyleSheet } from "react-native"; import { IonIcon } from '@ionic/react Aug 21, 2014 · I am working on my first ionic/angularjs app and have hit a snag. Sep 8, 2017 · You can either use: *ngIf="mobile_only" or: [class. I tried fiddling with autoHide property and the doc says "Automatically hides the menu button when the corresponding menu is not active" with a default of true. Here's how their App. auto-generated code in main. If it's not there run: ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen (Ionic v1 - v2) ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen (Ionic v3+) Jan 10, 2020 · I am trying to use Icon into my react native project so i installed : 1. after login the side menu is showing properly but if I logout and with out refresh Log into the page, the side menu not showing but the menu button is visible. png (432x193) and splash. map() element. Aug 1, 2019 · This should be all required to show/hide the menu according to the ionic 4 docs. Adding the menu icon in Ionic permalink. Now the menu button no longer Aug 21, 2020 · Hi, I’m working on an app that will have pwa/androi/ios versions. 0 Current behavior: According to IonIcons documentation, icons should be able to set up by providing name property. Instead of specifying the type on the component, just simply import the type of icon the name belongs to and use it. js file with this code inside. 11. scss file and made the icon absolute so that it appears on top of the input field instead of the side. Sep 26, 2021 · The solution of @MaBbKhawaja got me on its way, but it has some problems for me. g. show-menu button[menutoggle] Mar 31, 2021 · My project structure works roughly like this: <Header> <Pages> <PageA/ > <PageB /> </Pages> Both have a shared that dynamically shows/hides a menu button and a back button. Mar 21, 2020 · Ionic version: [x ] 5. Mar 21, 2016 · Check that you have "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" plugin installed (in the plugins/ folder or by running ionic cordova plugins (for Ionic v3+) or ionic plugins command (older versions of Ionic). I created an icon. Here is snippet from my app. To always display the menu toggle, the autoHide property can be set to false. html file to show the ion-menu, 4 things need to be ensured : ion-menu has 'contentId' field; The Above 'contentId' is passed to the sibling html tag as id; Sibling html has main tag and class="ion-page" And to toggle the Menu ion-menu-button is used in the Sibling container Mar 30, 2018 · I reverted an existing project (ionic 3) to lazy loading and now the navbar menuToggle icon is not showing up? Any ideas? The is just an white square where the icon should be (menu icon). The click area is smaller then other tabs, only the icon works, clicking on the tab around the icon does not trigger the menu. Check this code : Step1: Update your OpenCart method : Nov 25, 2018 · In addition to @Kivul's answer. I used Юлія Гороховацька's solution (Thanks a lot Julia) and it works fine, except that Oct 15, 2019 · Bug Report. 2 Current behavior: Using the last release of Ionic (4. Mar 29, 2023 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jan 17, 2022 · I have this tab-bar where active elements have another icon than inactive: It will also change the item with the onIonTabsDidChange-hook from IonTabBar: const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState&lt; Nov 7, 2017 · Everything is working except the menu icon it won’t show but if i slide left the menu shows. Lovingly hand-crafted. It had to do with the fact I used a custom metro. The image source is binded to the ‘image’ property of the slide object like this: { title: "Welcome to the Docs!", description: "The <b>Ionic Component Documentation</b> showcases a number of useful components that Aug 29, 2023 · I can’t seem to get the component to work. Can anyone help me. menu. Basic Usage It is recommended to put a toolbar inside of a header or footer for proper positioning. The problem is that I have enabled sidemenu in home. Mar 2, 2021 · We can swipe the menu open. x I have no more icons loaded. Jun 29, 2017 · The problem is that icons don't show unless I manually include the cdn in the index. To update the fonts go to the latest ionicons site and download. Hot Network Questions Jun 24, 2020 · I have a tab navigation page in an ionic react app and I want to add a side menu to this page, I know I have to use the IonMenu component but I am struggling to merge Dec 4, 2016 · I made the application build of the ionic 2 sidemenu, however the svg appears in the Chrome but svg does not appear in Android after generate the file android-debug. An example of Oct 10, 2018 · In case someone still facing this issue, do check webpack loader config. 0 <i> tag icons are not displaying in my Ionic page. How do i merge these two Feb 4, 2017 · I am not new to Ionic, but unfortunately I couldn't figure out why this is happening. By default, the split pane will expand when the screen is larger than 992px. The user navigates to this Home page from the Add-Contract page. ts using this. hide, [hidden], template { display: none !important; } HTML <ion-header [class. 6: 1124: February 6, 2015 Home ; Categories ; Jul 13, 2020 · I’m new with Ionic React and I’m looking for the correct way to integrate custom fonts and a custom icon set into my project, so that it’s working on all platforms as intended. tsx looks as follows Nov 6, 2023 · I have an ion-menu that, when a button is clicked, successfully routes to a different component/page. ttf' ] ] I removed Icons from FontAwesomeIcons. They are not being displayed and look like this. x doesn't show icon. I then run: ionic cordova Feb 4, 2021 · In my Dashboard Page, I have a component I'm rendering called &lt;DashHome /&gt; I passed in an array of objects as a prop to it from Dashboard Page which an icon is part of each object, everything Nov 13, 2017 · This icon is not shown. for finger printing); all this interferes with Leaflet algorithm which uses that image only as a pointer to its actual CSS images folder, which therefore can be completely missing after webpack build step. I tried a couple of ways but didn’t go anywhere Dec 9, 2016 · Hi, I’m trying to create a tutotial page like the onde in the Ionic 2 like the one in the preview application here: So, I just copy/paste the html code and the component code. You can either define the menu items in the markup (. tsx Apr 4, 2018 · For any general *. 0. Sep 13, 2022 · Building an Ionic React Side Menu navigation is a very convenient way to add navigation to your Ionic app and hide elements behind a menu that users can pull in. I'm submitting a [ x ] bug report [ ] feature request. We use the ion-menu component from the Ionic UI Components. import React, {useState} from 'react'; import Follow our React Icons guide. See the official sidemenu starter for an example of this: https://github. Button: Oct 29, 2020 · The thing is that sometimes you will have the requirement to show a different icon. I am having difficulties to implement Ionic 4 hamburger menu. Custom Icon set My g Feb 16, 2017 · In Ionic 2, I want to hide the back button and need to show the menu bar. import React, {useState} from 'react'; import. Because i'm looping through some object, i'm picking some icons from ion-icons and react-icons, but react-icons has a type of IconType while ion-icons has a type of string | undefined. Premium designed icons for use in web, iOS, Android, and desktop apps. Feb 12, 2020 · I created a menu with React in Ionic Framework and I want to redirect to the page that user clicked but this doesn't happen, items are not clickable. I already tried with IonButton instead of IonItem and that works properly! Mar 2, 2021 · We can swipe the menu open. component. Mar 27, 2019 · Only happens in my first try, the first time i run the Ionic serve, the first time i open the app on android after installing. It needs to be higher up in the component hierarchy. Then if the window resizes smaller (or, if the user is on a mobile browser), the horizontal nav changes to a side drawer menu with the hamburger icon. /menu. hide, [hidden], template { display: none !important Apr 23, 2016 · Menu Icon not showing. config. 1. Jan 10, 2022 · Type 'IconType' is not assignable to type 'string'. I checked in w Jan 28, 2017 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Jan 25, 2024 · Ensure that the icon is registered using addIcons or that the icon SVG data is passed directly to the icon component. But that’s not very clear to anyone. Ionic version: [Ionic/React] 4. react-native link react-native-vector-icons After this part all icons added The Problem is, the eye icon, is not clickable. Started working on it seriously last week, doing few projects. Not in console, not in firebug, not in chrome dev tools. . Example 1: using Ionic menu from Ionic menu or Ionic side menu template ? The ionic framework allows us to the used premade template, it has an Ionic menu template. Specifically, there can only be one <IonRouterOutlet /> (when you do the application becomes unresponsive and no longer receives Open source icons. Right now, I have a ternary operator for each card to either display or not display the menu; but my current implementation (which shows either all the menus of all the cards or none) isn't optimal. Don't show the menu button over there just show the default back button and while the user clicks on the back it will come back on the home screen where you will get your menu button. selector: 'app-menu', templateUrl: '. Whenever you want to use the react-native-vector-icons. Ionic-Vue Ionicons 5. See the menu documentation for more information. Now we can open each html file where the menu icon should be visible and add the following to the ion-toolbar. I am using cordova to build the apk. The button in question is like this: &lt; Jun 27, 2019 · I have done one modification in the . Jun 13, 2020 · Do not wrap routes in <IonTabs /> when on login screen. To add the icon, we need to modify our existing headers to reflect the header toggle. I could see the drawer menu. hidden { display: none; } EDIT: *ngIf is kind of : "Render this html tag Dec 23, 2022 · I updated capacitor 3 to capacitor 4 and and the update wizard updated the old splash screen to the new API. I have a issue that menu icon is showing in browser but not showing in mobile. &lt;ion-hea Sep 29, 2017 · Hello, Developing an app using ionic. No log from the console. I am using a couple of Ionicons in my IonMenu and they work just fine, so at the moment, this seems isolated to an IonFabButton. Only when I put an icon in a component, I get the icon to show. I don’t know how should I use the open() on click event function in my IonButton components to be able to show my menu list. An example of Mar 6, 2021 · I'm working with ionic react and I want to use useIonViewDidEnter in the menu component but useIonViewDidEnter in the menu component doesn't work and nothing showing in the console, anyone can help, please? const ManagerMenu: React. While working on the desktop view, I’m a little stuck on the navigation layout. tsx looks like: Nov 29, 2022 · You need to make sure that the font awesome library is properly loaded on the page. /MainTabNavigator' const AppNavigator = createSwitchNavigator({ Main: MainTabNavigator }) export default createAppContainer(AppNavigator) The problem is icons are not showing. SideMenu component: import React from &quot;react&quot;; import { useContext } from &quot;r I'm trying to create a dropdown menu with the options "share" and "delete" that displays from an icon button, but Ionic doesn't support it out of the box. Oct 1, 2020 · after install yarn add @react-native-firebase/database, all icons not showed project. Is there a compatibility problem between ionic framework and ionicons? Is there need to install the ionicons dep or it should work Mar 11, 2020 · According to the React Tabs starter template you have to nest the IonRouterOutlet inside of IonTabs, which is nested in IonReactRouter. when click back button in secondscreen it goes to first and also showing menu button. scss'], pages = [ title: 'Home', url: '/menu/main', icon: 'home' }, title: 'Menu', children: [ title: 'Premios', url: '/menu/premios', Jun 19, 2021 · I tried to use some Icons in a application but couldn't make it work. ? So, when included from node_modules, ionicons don't appear in sources. If you want a side menu navigation for your Ionic React app, Ionic makes it super easy to define routes and outlets to separate the menu from the rest of your app. As a workaround, I tried manually importing the icons like this: import { camera } from 'ionicons/icons'; // export class HomePageComponent implements OnInit { camera = camera; // Jun 2, 2017 · I am using Ionic3. App. Feb 17, 2015 · I've built a small Ionic App in WebStorm using a simple tutorial for building a side-menu. ionic-v1. Follow our React Icons guide. scss: ion-navbar[hidebackbutton] button[menutoggle] { display: block !important; } or in case you want somewhere to be shown and somewhere not, change your selector as follow: ion-navbar[hidebackbutton]. As many of you might know, this component has the ability to render any of the icons found on the Ionicons library and custom assets like a local image and even better, an SVG . By click on the menu button, you will get your menu screen. The when property can accept a boolean value, any valid media query, or one of Ionic's predefined sizes. Tested in Mar 15, 2016 · I have a small app with a tab bar with icons and a content section with icons. Please help. Using the last update, 5. 2] ion-icon not showing in Ionic DevApp & Capacitor Android #17169. html file What I am missing here. log('isAuthorizedToSeeContracts') }) Open source icons. The UI component's icon property accepts URLs, so you can assign the image's URL to it. 0). One caveat is that Ionic expects a particular nesting of route related components (at least in my experience). I put my menu in separate component, like this: import React from &quot;react&quot;; import { IonMenu, IonHeader, IonToolbar, Nov 29, 2022 · I want to make my IonIcons dynamic so they are reusable. ts. I understand the error, but is there a way i could still use react-icons. Code showing the ion-menu: <ion-menu side="start" content-id="main-content" id Mar 10, 2017 · Hello, I just updated to Ionic v 2. There can be any number of menus attached to the content. html) or in the component (. css) it worked and when i run again, it generates the below (css) code again and not showing the menu toggle. Closed ion icon Aug 5, 2022 · I am currently using react query in my project but the devtools Icon is not showing up anywhere on my screen. ionic-v3. The Menu Toggle component can be used to toggle a menu open or closed. png (6135x2733) in the resources folder. 9, @ionic/core 5. This is my code. In the tabs only the default tab is working properly other tabs are showing a blank screen. To learn more about the navigations used in this ionic template go to the Navigation section. Feb 22, 2015 · i have 4 screens when i click button in first screen it navigates to second screen. 2 (latest is v2. enable(true); but still the sidemenu icon is not visible. Aug 6, 2021 · In the templates below I have a ion-menu-button that is not showing up. html: <ion-content> <ion-list> <button May 3, 2017 · Hi! I am trying to use menuToggle in my home page. May 18, 2016 · In order to prevent hideBackButton to hide your menu icon, use this css in your app. The icons in the tab bar are showing, the icons in the content section aren’t. To customize this, pass a breakpoint in the when property. ttf', 'FontAwesomeIcons. I guess this is because of the ion-null-add class. apk: Follow the commands I used The menu will be displayed differently based on the mode, however the display type can be changed to any of the available menu types. FC = => { useIonViewDidEnter(() => { console. Page A has a menu Page B has a back button When I’m on Page A i can click the menu button and show/hide the menu. com/ionic-team/starters/blob/49dcd41ccbbb2fd4b44b5bd821006a164bf71dba/react/official/sidemenu/src/App. If you are using the Angular CLI, you can add the following line to the section of your HTML file: Use the icon, to change the size of the icon use the font-size CSS property and for the color (fill or stroke) use the color CSS property Nov 29, 2019 · // AppNavigator. Expected behavior: Place the navbar with menu button on the html page on which you need menu button and place navbar with back button on the page where you need back button. In my app, I've both side menu and the tabs together. I am trying to create a simple list of cards on a newly created project, but they don't seem to work. hidden]="mobile_only" on your stylesheet:. But I simply cannot figure it out and googling is getting me nowhere. import React from "react";; import { IonIcon, IonLabel Mar 14, 2018 · Hide the back button and show the menu button. So, I have written the following code: <ion-navbar hideBackButton="true"> <button ion-button menuToggle&gt; Jan 5, 2021 · use a state manager but for auth, I usually use the Context API to hold authentication state which is then accessible throughout my app. When I click the eye icon, it only allows me to input from the password field. This is the issue: I wanted to have a Menu (hamburger) which when I clicked on, open the Menu for me including pages I can navigate to. It appears inside of the div with class 'icon-inner' is empty. Would be Jan 4, 2015 · Apparently the latest version of ionic when building an ionic app using ionic start from CMD loads an outdated icon library v1. Current behavior: Using @ionic/vue 0. If it's not there run: ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen (Ionic v1 - v2) ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-splashscreen (Ionic v3+) The Problem is, the eye icon, is not clickable. I'm trying to add Icons to by Tab Navigator using Ionicons. angular; ionic4; Menu icon not visible in ion-navbar Ionic 2. ts). vectoricons = [ iconFontNames: [ 'MaterialIcons. Support for SVG. I am trying to create a custom icon and splash screen for my app. The icons are not being displayed :( Here is what files look like. Why is that? the ion-menu-button and the ion-title show properly and aligned on the same horizantal position. On iOS everything works fine but on Android 12 the splash screen not showing at all (On emulator i see the icon lagging when i push it, 3 second delay and the application opens without splash) and on Android 13 i see the app icon instead of the splash screen as shown in the issue. 9. So does that mean that if the menu is hidden the button is hidden too ? This makes no sense to me. But i need to set it in {} I dont know how i do this with a . Tried to look into the documentation could not find the actual kebab kind of menu. Menu is working just fine, only the icon is missing? May 25, 2020 · How to use it in react application , i found react-ionicon package but its kind of outdated and supports ionicons 3 , is there any way i can import ionicons 5 in my react application. However, it is better to encode the image in the Base64 type instead to reduce the amount of transferred data. It runs and everything when I bring it up in an emulator using Cordova, but none of the styling from Ionic Include popular icons in your React projects easily with react-icons, which utilizes ES6 imports that allows you to include only the icons that your project is using. Dec 29, 2020 · I'm using Ionic with React. Apr 28, 2021 · I have created a side menu in Ionic React, and would like to add a sub Menu for an Item of the side Menu. With ionicons 5 icons are not showing up on iOS device whereas showing in Android and I have a React app in Ionic 5 and I want to add some custom SVGs to it. This is how I implemented the icons in the content section: <ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon> Oct 15, 2019 · In Ionic/React, setting the name doesn't work, instead you use icons by importing the icon from 'ionicons/icons' and then setting that icon to the icon prop on IonIcon like so: import { add } from 'ionicons/icons' Oct 13, 2020 · Don’t use ionicons in react that way. Jan 9, 2019 · [4. 1, I am unable to get any icons to appear in my application. I am currently following a tutorial from youtube Aug 9, 2020 · I have a Navbar and i am using the condition that if userstatus is true(i. The ion-ion element is rendered like this: And no icon is displayed in the page: I have also installed ionicons version 4 and 5 and is not working with either version. If i replace it (Developer Tools HTML) with ion-md-add it shows fine. e user is signedin) then it will show the user-icon otherwise signin, i am looking to achieve that when i click in the user-icon or singin, it will show the drop down menu where i will later use it for logout button. css . There are no errors anywhere. ion-menu-toggle shadow. Anybody can help me? I just want the eye icon to be clickable. i don’t want to change the root page ! valentinay November 7, 2017, 7:08pm Apr 6, 2020 · Please note that this is my route configuration with the "Stack, Drawer and Tab Navigation" Stack and the tab navigation is working fine. Dec 29, 2016 · Hello, I know this might be a really basic question but i’m getting started with ionic2 and a bit stumped… I have built an app using the sidemenu starter template, added a few pages, but I want to make my sidemenu look nicer with some nice ionicons. I am currently following a tutorial from youtube Mar 8, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Aug 21, 2020 · Hi, I’m working on an app that will have pwa/androi/ios versions. Dec 25, 2016 · The icons are showing fine when I do "ionic serve", but when I build an apk, the icons (everywhere like tabs and buttons with images) are showing with a small X in a box Can't get it to work!! If anyone knows which references are missing, please guide us here? Jan 31, 2020 · Bug Report Ionic version: [x] *5. You can find the code of this side menu insrc/app/app. Aug 5, 2022 · I am currently using react query in my project but the devtools Icon is not showing up anywhere on my screen. Some Icons works, like "chevron-back" and "chevron-forward", but some like "play", "pause", actually many others doesn't shown. I’m looking to have a horizontal menu navigation when the window is > sizeMd. Then I navigate to Page B, click the “Back” button and return to Page A. There are no errors in the console too. However, I used the inspect option from chrome and found that after deselecting display: none !important; (located in main. Dec 28, 2023 · Despite using the Ionic framework but the icons did not show. I tried using both the icons and the cards separately and that didn't seem to work either. Luckily for us, this can be achieved with the help of the ion-icon component. Nov 29, 2019 · I’m having an issue getting an Ionicon working with an IonFabButton in Ionic React. ext. Jan 31, 2019 · I had the same problem with the icons not rendering correctly, even if most of the things were setup right. 7) all ionicons are displayed but when I upgrade to 5. I'm mapping through an array to create several card elements on the screen. 2. jdymu kgjhj paovv rzsp hzpnu jbeac ofmqzc dhmteb pgvtlt mqpxu qjngv lgmo cnyfbnz uek cgcwq