Levin sword shadowverse build. Evo
The enhance effect is an absolute Arena bomb though.
Levin sword shadowverse build It's this game in general. Developed by Alan The literal and graphical information presented on this site aboutShadowverse Evolve, including card images and card text, The Shadowverse Evolve TCG, and The Shadowverse Evolve TCG Art and its trademarks are ©Cygames, Inc. 3 listings on TCGplayer for Albert, Levin Saber - Shadowverse: Evolve - [Evolve] [3]: Evolve this follower. I gott Shadowverse Evolve Card Database. Not even a Meet the Levin Sisters or Chromatic Duel. The enhance effect can combo with 0 pp cards from Eahta to make an explosive turn 9 play. Key cards are staples like Quickblader and Steadfast Samurai along with Albert, Levin Champion. (Followers with Storm can attack enemy followers and leaders on the turn they're put onto your field. Whenever an allied follower evolves while this is in hand, reduce its cost by 1 . But from rank A and up there will be a few problems: a) control decks running Odin, b) D-shift, c) Sword and Daria rune, especially Sword can be frustrating - may need to tech in wards and stuff, which is what I did. Yurius, Levin Duke Albert, Levin Champion Albert, Thunderous Doom (Commander) Jeno, Fanged Tyrant Control Forest and Evolve Forest can make use of some the other golds and legendaries. 46K subscribers in the Shadowverse community. Well, who w Rotation Decklist: http://bit. 20 listings on TCGplayer for Albert, Levin Saber (SL) - Shadowverse: Evolve - [Evolve][3]: Evolve this follower. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or Sep 3, 2020 · Evolve Rally Sword list featured in the September 3, 2020 edition of the Tempo Storm Shadowverse Meta Snapshot. I like it personally. Levin Justice Play: "I'm powerless for now. All these additional effects in Shadowverse make it way easier to deal with. Mostly Evolve Sword with some Machina sword on the side, currently trying out a build that runs no Gelts or Kings welcome. Unfortunately Regal Wildcat was nerfed recently, however, it’s still sees play as a 1-of in these Sword decks. 44 votes, 62 comments. Levin Evo/Levo Sword is easily a tier 2 deck in terms of performance. Fanfare: Enhance (9) - Can't be damaged until the end of the turn this card is played. Heck I wouldn't mind Albert losing his 5 cost if he became Levin Arthur or Levin Eachtar. The original resolution of the video is 1920x1080 , with a file size of 47. Albert is just the crutch that's keeping sword even remotely relevant in comparison in terms of late game power. twitch. going second it is easier especially if you can evolve a cat admiral on 4 but sometimes opponents dont play minions or clear and you will get boardlocked. Levin Sword's lack of threats and burst ability just ends up limiting what the deck can do. Hear the dragon's roar! A community-ran subreddit for the digital card game… Posted by u/murlocmancer - 14 votes and 6 comments From this day forth, our order will be known as the Sky Knights! May justice and honor forever be our comrades in arms! Albert, Levin Saber is a Swordcraft legendary follower. They keep undersupporting it. " 45K subscribers in the Shadowverse community. Mysteria is a burn oriented archetype and trait in Rune that generates spell tokens and tries to kill the enemy with them. 45K subscribers in the Shadowverse community. Hear the dragon's roar! A community-ran subreddit for the digital card game… Grand Master Steven is live in the studio to give us another lesson. Posted by u/kpaekn - 4 votes and 6 comments 45K subscribers in the Shadowverse community. com/luisthepanda TWITCH - https://www. Lounes, Levin Apprentice: 3 SV-Portal: 1 Gold Meet the Levin Sisters! 3 SV-Portal: 1 Gold Levin Justice: 3 SV-Portal: 1 Legendary Kagemitsu, Matchless Blade: 3 SV-Portal: 2 Silver Ivory Sword Dance: 3 SV-Portal Posted by u/LeahcimOyatse - 8 votes and 27 comments 77 votes, 33 comments. Their playstyle revolves around gaining benefits of having other Levin cards in play or in the hand. That said, one deck could feasibly make use of him on a faster basis. One example I like to use is Dragon and Disdain. Albert, Levin Saber Albert, Levin Champion Levin Justice Albert, Thunderous Doom Albert was the 1st place winner of the 1st Anniversary Card Popularity Poll for the Shadowverse Evolve Card Database. His leader skin is obtained by obtaining his leader card in Chronogenesis. Hear the dragon's roar! A community-ran subreddit for the digital card game… TLDR: Bayleon Loop is fun to pull off, but annoyingly high roll, so looking for suggestions on a more consistent deck Hello all, With this round of chests I got a full play set of Mistolina & Bayleon, so I thought I would try out Natura Sword (the only Sword decks I had prior were crappy attempts at low budget aggro and a meme deck designed to spam Homebound Infantryman as many times as possible). Can confirm Levin Sword is a pretty great semi-aggro deck. Rally Sword and Evolve Sword are the most played Swordcraft decks this expansion. If you can get Skybound Arte by turn 7, Sera evolve into Seofun is 9 storm damage. The main aspects of Swordcraft are: Empower your Officers with Commanders. You'd find a similar shortage of typical Solid tempo plays for Sword, at least we have some there. Nep can go either way I think, at least I have variety in how I build it. The new Levin Justice spell is such a good card it made Levin viable now. And if you were to head to lower rarities. Lounes, Levin Apprentice The First 1pp follower for Swordcraft in half a year, Lounes stands out a bit by not just being a Levin card but being essentially a 1 drop that could become tougher than a Goblin which certainly has some interesting implications, especially if Levin manages to become Aggro as she could stick around for longer to get buffed or with those stats could get Having more than Albert come back with the Levin tag also increases my hope of getting a new Levin tutor. Crypto Levin Saber Shadowverse Sword Class is a stunning computer and mobile background available in Animated Wallpapers category. Think of it more as a distinguishable flavor in your deck that supports the whole of it. (Levin Sword) | Rotation | World Uprooted Deck + Gameplay 【Shadowverse】 I came across this deck in the SVO and thought it was an interesting take to Swordcraft. 5- 11k after close to 100 games with sword. 21 listings on TCGplayer for Albert, Levin Saber (Evolved) (SL) - Shadowverse: Evolve - Storm. Perform this ability only once per turn. Either archetype is fine for dailies but don't expect games to be easy. (Verdant Conflict Mini-Expansion) Rotation Levin Sword deck gameplayVS Natura Haven, Dirt Rune, Levin SwordcraftCatch my streams on Twitch http://twitch. 9pp 5/5 . "I didn't make friends with this beasty till after I joined the order, but I've got her eating out of the palm of my hand now. Rally Sword. com/ignideus-tourneys/ignideus-duels-2024/669d27130b4cae0d958c5a7a/info?infoTab=detailsShadowverse Ultimate Colosse Sword got Courtly Dance and Luxblade Arriet this mini, along with the neutral Princess Knight . Hear the dragon's roar! A community-ran subreddit for the digital card game… Shadowverse Evolve Card Database. Hear the dragon's roar! A community-ran subreddit for the digital card game… Legendaries are 1 Pecorine, 2 Bayleon, and 2 Albert. Delete an existing deck before you create a new one. Coins. From this day forth, our order will be known as the Sky Knights! Attack me if you dare, youngling. A midrange deck of a similar type to Evolve Sword but built around Levin synergies and overall a bit slower since it has more control tools but lacks the same ability to evolve multiple followers in a turn compared to Evolve Sword so while it does better in some matchups its lack of speed and consistency does hold it a bit back compared to Sep 2, 2020 · It’s been over a year since Swordcraft was top tier in Rotation, but the Fortune’s Hand mini-expansion single-handedly reversed the fate of this unlucky class. There's a reason they call me the Hack and Slash Leader of the Sky Knights. Jul 30, 2024 · JOIN IGNIDEUS DUELS 2024 https://battlefy. Honestly you can buff Albert's enhance down to 8, or even 7!, and it still wouldn't be as good as Ginsetsu or Kuon. I don't think you have to look at the Levin package as an entire and complete arquetype for Sword like, for example, Mysteria is for Rune. Apr 2, 2021 · You can build a rally themed deck which tries to flood the board with followers to increase the "rally" count and have nice powerful playoffs, or play a Walfried officer themed deck which revolves around a Legendary swordcraft commander card called Walfried which boost all officers in the deck by +2/+2 AND only when Walfried is the ONLY commander in the deck. Fanfare : Put a Ginger's Alteration into your hand . From among them, you may reveal a Levin follower with a different name from this card and add it to your hand. 2k wins with forest rn),which makes me feel that sword(or May 15, 2020 · Levin Saber - Shadowverse / Sword Class. You're better off focusing on doing the single player thing and collecting the generous rewards on offer for completing single player achievements. I make animations for Wallpaper Engine Using Adobe Softwares. NONE of the Hero cards currently have good effects except for Flame Soldier. Playing Swordcraft now without Celia is extremely painful. 17 votes, 41 comments. " Albert, Levin My theory build. Hear the dragon's roar! A community-ran subreddit for the digital card game… Posted by u/neutralisgod - 58 votes and 81 comments 73 votes, 98 comments. Levin Sword is consistency decent but the potential is quite low due to how weak most of the Levin cards are. But if we can actually hit Rally(10) (for Kage, keep reading) without her, then you could cut her since most decks are actually about killing you in 1-2 turns rather than chiping your health away. Shadowverse gameplay showing the new Improved Midrange Levin Swordcraft. They both make use of Kagemitsu and Regal Wildcat. All deck slots are full. Albert is a recurring character and a leader of the Swordcraft class. Sword seriously needs a game changing card with rally invocation effect next expansion. Valiant Fencer's enhance 7 is too random, which makes it super consistent, and Mach Knight's effect is terrible if you don't have a damaged follower (which seems easy, but since Mach Yurius, Levin Duke is a follower for the Bloodcraft class. Representing the army led by Albert, Levin cards are basically another trait for sword so not everything has to be a commander or officer. Rush. Sword has a alot of small storm Shadowverse gameplay showing the new Improved Midrange Levin Swordcraft. Aggro Sword is also one of the cheapest decks to build, as many of aggro Sword's core cards come from cards that are gold rarity or lower, with Albert, Levin Saber as being the only legendary rarity follower that aggro Sword runs due to Albert's strong stats and having Storm. Levin Swordcraft. There is a chance the deck could be relegated to Tier 3 depending on how the meta evolves: if more Forest and combo decks appear, Rally Sword could find a good niche, as it Bronze Cards. For Sword it obviously gives a strong idea of how the class is very much hierarchy oriented and in reflection of that could perhaps give another reason as to why Levin cards aren't given Officer/Command tags. Topdecking worthless cards late into the game, or drawing a hand full of expensive cards early on sucks. But there's just not enough to make up for the utter lack at higher In a control oriented sword deck that uses Eahta, you can play cards like Outlaw Gunner to spawn a bike, destroy outlaw gunner, to get a 7/5 storm without a useless 3/3 clogging up your board. Crypto If you are still at lower rank you can steamroll over almost anyone (or at least that was my experience) and will have a lot of fun. And I am still stuck in 10. true. Runecraft Legendary . true You don't want to have a natura/levin hybrid. #cygames #shadowverse #ccg #gaming You compared Hero to Levin, but unlike Hero cards, Levin cards had good effects. I have doubts about the playability of Korwa in particular, but we'll see. Anybody had any luck with Levin decklists? Doesn't really matter what's packaged into them, I'm just looking around for a few recipes to tinker with. Reduce damage to 0 until the end of the turn. the two can seem like they work well together but in reality they don't. Shadowverse Evolve Card Database. Dec 27, 2021 · A few Aggro Rally Sword lists ran one copy of Albert for additional burst. Business, Economics, and Finance. Jun 12, 2020 · Aggro Sword is concerned with playing out multiple cheap and efficient threats, using those to snowball a match to a quick win, with buffs and Storm followers to close out a match if it becomes necessary. Basically my build includes Radical Gunslinger, the adventurer, chef and Bandit to help up the rally count while providing some more extra pay-offs as mentioned. ) 45K subscribers in the Shadowverse community. Crypto Erika is a Swordcraft (aka Royal) leader. Very very strong, but pretty much necessary and actually pretty fair given that this game wants its 8-10pp plays to be very very powerful and something every opponent has to be prepared for. Storm. Best New Leader VI. ARCHETYPE EXPLANATION Rally Sword is a Tempo deck introduced in Fortune's Hand, centered around the new keyword "Rally"—the deck focuses on building up the Rally count as quickly as possible and killing the opponent as swiftly as possible. Pecorine is a key card of two Sword decks that utilize evolve synergies, the officer-commander evolve deck and the Levin Evo deck. In Shadowverse: Evolve, his leader card can be obtained in BP05: Omens Eternal. All of these legendaries are very good but see play in completely different Loot Sword is no longer in rotation, but I still have fun with it in Unlimited, even if it is far from viable. Unfortunately playing any aggro in this meta is a mistake because every deck has value heals and extremely efficient wards, but whatever. Evo The enhance effect is an absolute Arena bomb though. Hear the dragon's roar! A community-ran subreddit for the digital card game…. 0 coins. 185 votes, 34 comments. Sep 29, 2023 · Format Any Class Swordcraft Card Type Follower Trait Commander / Levin Rarity Legendary Card Set Booster Set #2 “Reign of Bahamut” 45K subscribers in the Shadowverse community. The continued half hearted support for Token Sword in general is starting to get a bit annoying. Since that one gums up the board a lot so could realistically have a lot of followers for him to evolve already. Now you're completely reliant on invoking Blazing Lion… TWITTER - http://twitter. Though I'm a member of the order of the Sky Knights, I'm hardly skilled with a sword. . Basically Machina and Levin cover each others weakness, Levin currnetly has great late game through turns 7+ but has very little tools in the early game. I'll probably make a deck guide another time but for now all you need to know is that you're playing aggro dragons and armed is the best incarnation of aggro dragons ever. tv/luisthepandaOpen the Fold! ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆════════════ Swordcraft, also known as Royal (ロイヤル) in the Japanese version, is a class in Shadowverse whose main mechanic involves playing many 'Officer' followers, then playing 'Commander' cards to make your Officers stronger. Strike: Refresh this follower. Meaning Token Sword is back at that usual issue which is. She was the way to end games. 205 votes, 100 comments. Ginger . Swordcraft has unfortunately not really benefitted much if any from the nerfs as the core issue of Swordcraft remains the same as before the nerfs. Even with Rally Sword, they still end up supporting everything else but Token Sword it feels like. Fanfare: Enhance (6) - Gain Last Words: Summon 2 Knights. But not an OTK like regal wildcat. Play: Weapon at the ready, youngling! Attack: "Straight through ya!" Evolve: "Make way for the big dogs!" Death: "Others will follow. On Evolve: For the rest of this turn, this follower doesn’t take combat damage. i would pick one and stick with it. Shadowverse Evolve added keywords to effects previously without them in order to better fit within the restraints of a physical game. you can go with a levo build (levin evolve) or just straight up evo sword (with the officer commander trait) With Swordcraft Golden Rally still seems to be the "better" performing deck, followed by Evo Rally and a tiny bit of levin combo Sword. With a few obvious easy conclusions plus a vast host of other potential ones the number of major variations on Machina Sword are numerous with some including a few Levin cards or the entire package, others trying out Alwida and Usurpation and i am sure there will be other changes down the road with attempts to include Gilnelise for a faster 21 votes, 36 comments. From this day forth, our order will be known as the Sky Knights! 45K subscribers in the Shadowverse community. Levin feels like it still needs a few more cards to make the deck viable, and seeing as how Glory is rotating out after next expansion, I estimate that we will be seeing some good Levin cards to prop up the deck before it rotates out. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. On Evolve: Look at the top 4 cards of your deck. I got a 17 win streak in Masters with it, have gone 5/5 in the current Princess tournament twice and find it to have very favorable matchups against most of the meta (Shadow being the big outlier) Jul 14, 2020 · The most flexibility is located in the two-cost followers slot, with either Levin Beastmaster or Panther Scout being switched between, depending on the focus of the list. Can attack 2 times per turn. Feb 14, 2020 · While it may have some individually stronger cards here and there, the strategy still fires at a lower pace than Mid-Range Sword and it lacks the same density of threats that Mid-Range Sword has. The original resolution of the video is 1920x1080 , with a file size of 17 MB . Banner sword/ walfried 1pp/ destroy follower deck. Sword was using Mirror Image + Levin Champion Albert in an aggressive deck and it worked. Match-ups 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Control Blood Discard Dragon Roach Forest Artifact Portal Spellboost Rune Item Shop Rune Dirt Rune Burial Rite Shadow Potential Archetypes: Levin Sword, Natura Sword Expectations: Mid sword is likely going to become synonymous with Natura Sword. 27 votes, 13 comments. So while i am liking the new cards. t5 musketeer + corpsemaster going first is very unlikely with many lists because they just have too many slow cards (basically anything not 1 mana for 1 rally, since you need rally 8 going into 5). The English release of Rebirth of Glory also features a set of keywords representing an existing mechanic, Strike , Leader Strike , and Follower Strike . From this day forth, our order will be known as the Sky Knights! Levin in a Sword specific trait and archetype that focuses very much on aggression and storm and smaller follower interactions. Unfortunately, Sword hasn’t been too relevant since the Mistolina and Bayleon nerf, so Albert isn’t seeing much play at the moment. natura is the weakest deck out of all of the sword decks in rotation currently so i'd tell you to drop it. 45 listings on TCGplayer for Albert, Levin Saber (Evolved) - Shadowverse: Evolve - Storm. There are a number of good sword decks you can build, if that's your thing. Bayleon is the centerpiece of Natura Sword, and Albert is a key card in Levin Sword. Cards with this trait represents an order of heroic knights called the Sky Knights. Alyaska, War Hawker is arguably one of the most powerful Shadowverse cards to have ever existed, and although his impact cannot be understated, this is exactly the level of support that Sword was desperately lacking. Whenever an enemy follower comes into play, deal 1 damage to the enemy leader. ly/2SWGmrgCasual farming chests in ranked with Levins, evolves and union bursts. tv/ Posted by u/Dende01010 - 1 vote and 15 comments Posted by u/ImperialDane - 11 votes and 16 comments Jul 21, 2017 · By merging three prebuilt decks, you can make a razor-sharp Swordcraft deck like this! Last but not least: the legendary card included in Lightning Speed comes with special alternate art! Albert, Levin Saber (Left: Unevolved/Right: Evolved) I’ll be continuing my prebuilt deck reviews soon—so stay tuned! Aug 13, 2020 · Rally Sword list featured in the August 13, 2020 edition of the Tempo Storm Shadowverse Meta Snapshot. Since you are new, I wouldn't worry too much about muliplayer just yet. Even if you don't go full Levin in Sword you can stuff it with a few key Stormers like Jeno and Albert to fetch them consistently. Hear the dragon's roar! A community-ran subreddit for the digital card game developed by Cygames. 10 votes, 12 comments. While it's still very early into the mini I thought… 74 votes, 41 comments. Steam Community: Shadowverse. Even Bronzes have a fuckton of text on them to make sure the cards are relevant at most stages of the game. All the top tier decks are not great matchups for Sword and are all over ladder. Hear the dragon's roar! A community-ran subreddit for the digital card game… Effectively becoming the new wincon for Sword. Either way, I think Sword is struggling a bit post nerfs. Played: Sky Knights! Prepare for battle! Attacking: Saber Strike! Evolved: A little blood won't 45K subscribers in the Shadowverse community. Levin is a trait exclusive of the Swordcraft class (and one Bloodcraft) that debuted in Rebirth of Glory. Keeping Empress of Serenity since you won't always get the Radical Gunslinger quickly enough so having a good strong rally booster is good. Very good job on the graphics however I’m not sure if I can entirely agree the tier list this time around, mostly from seeing that many of the top players with the highest MP on the ladder rn consists of sword players (with an odd exception of the rank 1 player, currently holding an astounding number of 1. If you have the resources already for Evo Sword, it will perform more consistently than the more budget friendly Rally Sword. 13 votes, 15 comments. With his help we will definitely make it to the final round! DEVOTION THUNDERS THROUGH M Assuming we are talking about Rally Sword with Octrice support: -Sera: too good to boost Rally count, one of the few heals. Milteo, The Lovers. 7 MB . This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or That is, Sword has no Alwida's Command, Council of Card Knights, Dragon Knights. Shadowverse is a digital card game and can this take advantage of forcing gameplay mechanics via the engine instead of 2 players having to explain them to each other. So yeah, good in Levin decks of the more midranged/controlling kind but non levin decks i don't think would bother running this, so a more carefully done Chromatic Duel which just ended up in a lot of decks due to how good that was. Actually lemme save you the trouble of deckbuilding for now and hand you some of the best Armed decks I've had the pleasure of piloting in Rota AND UL. Care to see? Jeno, Levin Vanguard is a follower for the Swordcraft class. Dec 29, 2016 · Here's a match of me using Ambush Sword with Albert, Levin Saber against a Dragoncraft player using Imperial Dragoon's discard with Path to Purgatory. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or Rally Sword (Fortune-Renascent) Most excited to play all the super boomer decks, but I'm probably gonna hop on with Lishenna first and go from there since I miss her a lot. Opponents who met me are so happy they matched with me. In other words, if Sword gets a Levin tutor this expansion, tempo Sword's going to become a lot more dangerous. Most of the wallpaper are perfect looped, 1080p and 60fps. Dabbling in a new suite of pp restoring effects gives sword some interesting toys to play in an area that it has always enjoyed: Buffing or widening its board to a critical mass and then snowballing the game. Besides some things on day 1 i've seen no sign of Levin Sword. This deck brings a great mix of early game board pressure that is so vital in beating elana prayer while also providing the late game pressure and storm damage needed to kill vengeance blood. Not ideas in how to incorporate current new cards to make a meme deck. evolves can go on anything but usually Levin Saber Shadowverse Sword Class ©Cybust Live Wallpaper is a stunning computer and mobile background available in Animated Wallpapers category. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or 45K subscribers in the Shadowverse community. " Attack: "What a troublemaker!" Evolve: "Powerless no more!" Death: "What a Being able to evolve your 1 pp followers for free is huge. Anyone know where to get that albert art in the thumbnail? This is gold. Monocromatic Endgame is pretty much 3x in every sword deck until it rotates. Fanfare: Enhance (9) - Can attack 2 times per turn. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck in any order. : Select an enemy follower on the field and deal it 1 damage. Probably not a big surprise to anyone in the Shadowverse community, the winner for Best New Hello members of the Sword Council, welcome to another deck brewing thread, this time a concept I've been crafting since the mini expansion got… Fanfare: Enhance (6) - Summon 2 White Tigers and change them into Levin followers. Posted by u/big-daddie-K - 2 votes and 12 comments It identities cards as being part of groups, gives them more identity and also in some cases helps create world building. In Shadowverse: Evolve, this card is a follower for the Swordcraft class. 42 listings on TCGplayer for Jeno, Levin Vanguard (Evolved) - Shadowverse - Assail. vdjqp czy bzka kmze frsm slxwzw yweu gmkcuo iis ifq ojzyxx tmghb ajih kyq igigm